Does that cause problems?
What's wrong with it? Anyone wanna answer me or are you going to just keep clicking the little down arrow to feel superior?
Were there any disabled prisoners there? If so how were they treated?
Me patiently waiting for hospital staff to stop acting like fucking cops
I looked at a bunch of different articles about this pyramid but none of them gave that height aside from this one. It has to be a mistake or typo right? There's no way a 1000 ft pyramid is just hanging out with no public or archaeology interest, right??
I'm so grateful to my wife for not caring about that shit
Cuts it out himself with one of those derpy daggers with the retractable guard and hands it to his beloved, still beating
Yeah it's kind of like the crisis hotline hanging up on you because your 2 minutes is up. Insultingly impersonal!
Thanks for the reminder to find and set up the dash cam I bought 2 years ago (and then proceeded to do nothing with it because I forgot to buy an SD card for it, and then forgot entirely)
Posting with a new account apparently. Last time I made a reddit account I made a few comments in various subs. A few hours I went back and found that every single thing I posted was deleted without a word from the mods. I hadn't even posted anything controversial but new account = bad I guess
I'll hold off too because some feathers grow straight from the bones. Eek