Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
It is somehow my goto "comfort"-movie
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
It is somehow my goto "comfort"-movie
I absolutely agree when the person has an incurable physical illness, but I'm unsure where to draw the boundary for people with psychological illnesses.
Respect to the cop who is immediately running towards the car to help.
I was looking it up to see how it looks like for germany, and according to the data I found it would be on the same rank as Australia:
WHR 16
DI 14
GPI 17
Sum: 72
As this is such a simple way to do it though, these minor points between the top countries do not mean anything. All these countries are safe choices.
Yeah, sure. I think it's more of an interesting and fun exercise but should not be taken too seriously.
Futurama, Scrubs but if it counts, then number 1 would be the first 6 or so seasons of The Simpsons.
Nice idea, I think a webpage collecting this information to create a top 50 would be really interesting. One question: Where did you find your used ranking of the World Hapiness Report, I found this page but this seems different, eg. Israel is on the 4th place.
You don't have to be super rich or be a trust-fund baby to travel around the world for months. I find the general estimates for a more frugal world-traveling for a year are $20.000 to $30.000. This is obviously not doable if you really live paycheck to paycheck, but if you have a relatively well-paying job and live very frugal it is not impossible to save this amount of money. Also there is the more irresponsible solution of taking on debt.
~500 hours in Dota 2. I did never became good, but I just had great friends with whom I loved to play.
Mal in richtigen Zahlen für die es nicht wissen, hier ein Beispiel: ~6% des Kirchensteuer werden hier für soziale Verbände und Dienste und ~28% für christliche Kindergärten und Bildungseinrichtungen verwendet. Es ist natürlich Interpretationssache ob man letzteres als soziales sieht, da es natürlich auch der religiösen Indoktrination von Kindern dient und deswegen evtl. eher ein Selbstzweck für die Kirche ist.
Ich habe persönlich, nach meinen Kirchenaustritt zum ersten Gehalt, angefangen den Kirchensteuerbetrag für soziale Zwecke und der Wohlfahrt zu spenden. So kommt wesentlich mehr an als die 6% (bzw. 34%) die durch die Kirchensteuer ankommen würden.
Wichtiger Fakt, den mehr Leute wissen sollten. Ich frage mich wieviele Bürger, insbesondere wieviele der >50% der Deutschen die nicht christlich sind, davon wissen dass sie trotzdem z.b. die Gehälter der Bischöfe mitbezahlen.
I unfortunately can't tell you how to find a therapist, because I am not from the US, but to the question if it is worth it:
Absolutely! For me it is still one of the best decisions I took in my life and it helped me so much in fighting my my depression and anxiety.