Hello! I am trying to have the OpenRGB goes light off on a keyboard from a MSI laptop with Linux Mint 21.2. I can't find a way to have to light goes off during lock screen, screensaver or don't touch the keyboard or the mouse for a certain ammount of time. There is a way to have that work like that?
joined 1 year ago
Thank you
openrgb --color black
Doesn't work. It load the program, not change the LED color. It possible to do with$ openrgb -p Red
after I saved a profile with the color to load. Or "Off" if i want to turn off the keyboard. OpenRGB see the keyboard even if return an error with i2c that are actually loaded.Profile loading: Succeeded for MSI MysticLight MS-1563 v0001 @ HID: /dev/hidraw1 Updating mode for MSI MysticLight MS-1563 v0001 to 1
I can also read the keyboard feedback with
but I lack the capability to do a scrip with this command. Anyone know how to use it?