You are not the asshole. White lies were invented by god to get out of friends' parties. Using a telescope to spy on you, on the other hand, is a bit of an asshole move.
Maybe you can now, but not when they first rolled it out.
I ditched Netflix as soon as they started forcing the autoplay previews on me years ago.
That sentiment may exist, but in this case it takes everyone a long time to gain proficiency in an F-16. Training a US fighter pilot takes years. I think, if anything, the US is very impressed with Ukrainian airmen at this point.
I'm assuming the US wants to ensure Ukrainian pilots are very well trained in the F-16 before it's delivered. It would be a big setback if a bunch of them were lost to enemy fire or to pilot error soon after arriving in country. But yeah, the F-16 has the potential to negate the attack helicopter problem.
How can you tell the Carolina vs the Chinese mantis?
As a grass alternative, I'd probably throw down some white clover and violet seeds just to get started.
I hope they make it long enough to build the R2T.
I did it by not having kids.
I was waiting to gauge Reddit's response to the blackout. Now it seems clear the protest is waning without a rollback of the API changes, so I looked for an alternative.