Obligatory fuck amazon of course, but Reacher and Jack Ryan are both excellent adaptations imho. And Goliath is superb, not just because of Billy Bob Thornton, the supporting cast and writing is fantastic. None of these are sci-fi though, so maybe the genre matters? Ugh, now I feel weird defending amazon...
Haha, yeah Cody has definitely made me cringe out of discomfort before. I haven't watched that guy in awhile! Appreciate the reminder. And Oliver can get close to that level too, for sure.
So would you not recommend me getting a refurbished s20? That's the most recent model that still has microSD slots and I've seen them for 200. But I'm not sure about security...
I stopped subscribing last year sometime and just look through Freah Air to find stories that seem interesting. I still enjoy/listen to other shows occasionally, but the ads have become more intrusive.
Probably by buying subscribers like Shapiro did. Pump the numbers up, get a boost for the algo, get more clicks.
That happened last admin, so def wouldn't be a shocker.
The only brand that my wife and I have found consistently better than these 2 is Good & Gather from Target. Slightly cheaper and some great flavors!
Have you shopped other companies for rates? I switched earlier this year and cut my insurance costs by more than half! Was fucking ridiculous how it just kept climbing.
I like your thought process and just want to wish you the best of luck!
I can identify with all of that. I'm seeing plenty of people and orgs so ready to "fight back" already, and I'm nowhere near ready for all that yet... this clusterfuck of nominations doesn't help anything.
Just my 2 cents, but the logistics part is substantial. Our jails and prisons are already overflowing (with the highest incarceration rate of the global north) so there's no quick process that is feasible. We should have plenty of warning as to what's coming down the works... as for having the means and ability to do anything about it? We shall see.
You're not helpless unless you don't take action. Build your community and celebrate the small wins. Find meaningful work(even volunteering) and build more connections to others. Having some of that to fall back on has kept me saner lately, and now I'm driven to focus more on that, least for the short term.
Fair enough. The overlap of illiteracy and critical thinking skills is probably significant.