This thread is going to haunt me. One day, years from now while lying in bed and slowly drifting off to sleep, I'll suddenly sit bolt upright and exclaim, "Why couldn't that dude poop!?"
That thing is ridiculous, and I love it. What do all of the knobs and switches do?
I've been thinking of trying out Rocksmith as a practice tool. Does it give good feedback as you're playing? Like if your timing starts to drift, will it let you know?
This changes pretty often, but the top three bands in my rotation at the moment are Mastodon, The Ocean, and Dvne.
I just started The Three Body Problem. I'm hoping the plot is engaging once it takes off, because so far the writing and characters aren't doing a whole lot for me.
I picked up Hi-Fi Rush on sale about a week ago, blew through it once, and am now working on a second play through/new game plus. Super fun game. After putting it down after playing for a while I still feel like I'm doing things to a beat for a bit.
Thanks, that link has been helpful.
I have one of these, but I've never been able to get good results with it. The screen doodad that is supposed to sit on top of the coffee grounds always flips up and pushes all of the grounds to one side. The resulting cup ends up bitter and acrid, even with condensed milk. I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong, or if there is something wrong with my brewer, or if everything is working as intended and I just don't like it.