
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 3 points 10 months ago

"I am Justin Rozniak I'm the person who is talking right now. My pronouns are he and him."

[–] [email protected] 13 points 10 months ago

Not an answer to your question, but if the instruments are USB (I assume they are), you could also checkout Clone Hero. It's a free PC version of Rock Bank/Guitar Hero, people will make custom songs for it as well, I'm sure some have drum tracks too.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 10 months ago

I hadn't even considered the fires affecting the amount of people out there. Excellent point.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 10 months ago (3 children)

Yes, you're 100% in it being cheap.

I think I should have been more clear, it was cheap to build, but now look at it. Not just from it needing to be repaired, but peopels time is wasted, more busses need drivers and diesel fuel, how many man hours were spent investigating the solution, testing, and implementing. There's many downstream effects of it being cheaper initially that can be hard to see or measure.

But yes, it was cheap to build, especially the eastern extension which is a good thing, transit projects in NA are WAY too expensive.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 10 months ago (2 children)

I followed Catherine McKenny after the election happen and saw what they were doing with their organization, its all about cities and building good cities, and city finances. It's so sad seeing how passionate they were and ARE about making good cities for everyone, and then seeing dipshit here complaining about a single road being open to everyone instead of only people who have cars.

I love when these anti bike people go out at the quietest hour possible to film. There was another old boomer ass radio guy who was on a recreational path during a Wednesday afternoon or something and used that to show how few people bike. Imagine if we used the night time numbers for the Queensway and used that to justify shitting it down.

Not to mention, it takes time for people to change their habits, you can't open and close and road randomly and inconsistently (not the QED is currently like that) and expect people to use it. Again, imagine if the highway was only open during weekend for recreational drivers.

And anecdotally, I live near the canal, on a street that actually touches QED, and I have noticed more traffic... for about 1 hour during rush hour, it's not a big deal at all. I also have use it many many times for both fun on weekends, and for work, I can take it fairly quickly to get to ByWard and I'm ALWAYS in a better mood at work on those days.

I hate how hostile Sutcliffe is to anyone outside a car. It's madness to be a mayor in this day and age and not seeming to get it at this point. Like where does it come from? The data is just so clear on how good it is for EVERYONE, including drivers, to make sure everyone except drivers has a space in our cities (people walking, biking, riding transit).

[–] [email protected] 61 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) (1 children)

Yes, it seems like a really recent term to me. I first heard it when the writers strike began and never before that.

When I think streamer I think of people on Twitch or YouTube who stream themselves. No idea where calling streaming services/sites "streamers" came from but it always confuses me.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 11 months ago (5 children)

A saying I use all the time is, "If you think a professional is expensive, just wait until you hire an amateur."

[–] [email protected] 4 points 11 months ago (7 children)

I wonder if at any point someone will just give up admit it was fucked from the moment they decided to keep the wrong type of train for the service they should be running, and just buy the correct type of train. A proper metro train like every other other city trying to run a mass transit line with high frequency. Ideally something with radial seating, digital signage and wayfinding. Some stations in Japan even have info above where the doors will be in the station showing how full each car is.

We'd need to rebuild all the current stations to be high platforms, and finish the under construction stations to also be high floor. It's a lot of money sure, but no one will care in 50 years, they will just be thankful to have an amazing metro connecting the entire city. The Shinkansen went 2 times over it's inital budget, but no one gives a crap now a days, they're just happy to have it.

We're the capital of Canada, we need and deserve better than this shitty system.

Oh, and add platform screen doors to all the above ground stations, partly for safely, partly for weather, make a huge different to quality of the service.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

The problem with rubber tires is they wear the ground out a lot more, this increases with weight, these teams are going to be heavy. And if they run along the exact same spot each time it's going to damage the ground a shit ton. This why why steel wheels on steel rails are better, they can handle a lot more weight with less maintenance.

If you really can't put in a real tram with rails in, use trolley busses. Trolley busses can be fairly long and high capacity, while having rubber tires for hills. The benefit is they don't drive over the same spot each time. There's a ton more benefits to trolley busses and they are greatly underrated.

This sounds like a solution to a problem that doesn't really exist. Ok well, maybe cities too cheap to pay for rails is a problem.


Even worse, it runs in batteries. This is terrible for weight and efficiency. Just throw up some centenary wires, reduces weight and it's more energy efficient.

Many newer trolley busses come with very small batteries so they they can drive to and from their depot's. The smaller battery means limited range, but that's not the point, it also saves on weight vs a battery electric bus.

Here's a few videos on trolley busses:

Here's a video on a similar systems that's been removed cuz it's a dumb idea:

[–] [email protected] 4 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

It would probably help a lot, even if the trains had the same top speed AND acceleration being able to go around tighter corners would help a ton. There's a lot of weird turns in the system, especially Lees - Hurdman - Tremblay. Hurdman - Tremblay is actually where it derailed for a month or so.

Here's what it looks like currently:

and I understand why they wanted it to go to Hurdman, it's a large bus station.

But I wish instead it looked like this:

Then maybe they could have made some a busway where the tracks are now and maybe make Tremblay's LRT station underground and then on the ground it's a bus loop.

Source for maps:

[–] [email protected] 8 points 11 months ago (3 children)

You're correct about the longer cars needing wider turns.

Really the biggest problem with the LRT is trying to make it an LRT after the tunnel was built. It's really a metro system with the wrong type of train. Every other North American city with an "LRT" has a system where the centre goes thru downtown at grade usually in mixed traffic (I think, feel free to correct me.) Our system doesn't, it's fully grade separated the entire time, so why continue to use tram trains? Our trains are low floor which is great when you can't build a tall platform downtown in the middle of the street. But when it's grade separated you're really limiting capacity as the wheels go into the cars taking up seating and standing space.

It annoys the crap out of me that our city is continuing to use these fucking trains. I wish they either sold the trains and adjusted all the stations to high platforms and used real metro trains, or kept them and used them on a real tram system (maybe along Baseline or Carling, or up and down Bank St?)

Sorry for the long post, the trains just bug me a lot, altho I'm greatful we have something and at least have the tunnel. The hard part is done, rails and stations and trains can be fixed. (Maybe not with this mayor however.)

[–] [email protected] 6 points 11 months ago (1 children)

The only reasonable tax I could see being applied to an electric car is a weight tax, but that should be for all cars, not just electric. If your cars weighs more, you should pay more, especially at the city level.

More weight means it produces more wear and tear on roads. Not to mention they are more deadly, even at low speeds.

But I doubt this would happen in Mississippi lol

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