Then the Temple would have had to pay them. So only the wealthy can sue for non monetary reasons?
Says you. It could absolutely mean the latter. We decide that.
See: France as a counterexample.
That's saying that they can't be paid for cases that don't have money on the line.
Reckless accelerationism is the effective altruism of the left.
I vote left in primaries and Dem in generals.
If we get some ranked choice then it will be different. Until then, we gotta play it safe.
He probably doesn't want to get shot.
Social media did to our parents what they thought video games were going to do to us.
And what our grandparents thought tv would do to them.
I thank my lucky stars to be in San Antonio where we have municipal power.
People complain about CPS (city public service) but we get a say in how the company is run and our bills are quite reasonable compared to the state average.
Most of us don't pay the market price hour to hour. Our electricity provider absorbs the risk of price spikes and raises our rates if the math stops working for them.
Griddy was a provider that sells at the market rate, which is usually below the general price you would pay, but you take the risk of price spikes during peak demand.
I wouldn't feel safe letting a stranger in to shower. My wife would be very upset with me.
They could have a bottle of water and a sandwich.
You came with the receipts and they shut up.
Thank you.