
joined 2 years ago
[–] Transcendant 3 points 1 year ago (3 children)

One of my friends in Finland has a couple of cats, one is fairly disinterested in people but the other loves to play fetch with her toys. It's ridiculously cute.

[–] Transcendant 2 points 1 year ago (4 children)

Sometimes I wonder if voting should be mandatory, like in Australia... but forcing everyone to vote doesn't at all solve the problem of how so much of our news media is going out of their way to mislead and manipulate the voting public. Might even make things worse.

I keep seeing people whingeing about Starmer, saying they'll never vote for him, then you get several comments down the chain and they let slip that they don't actually bother to vote anyway. Madness.

[–] Transcendant 6 points 1 year ago

Don't you see, you fool?! They needed to get brexit done!

... is it done yet? The most frustrating thing about brexit for me was, it didn't have to be this intransigent, ludicrous, adamantium-hard brexit. They could've met the 'will of the people' and still kept some of the benefits of a close relationship with the EU. But no, they fucked it up like they've fucked up prisons; courts; probation; energy markets; water; environment; immigration; education; healthcare... I could go on but my fingers are getting tired.

[–] Transcendant 4 points 1 year ago (1 children)

That's almost as far away as the moon! Therefore, the only logical explanation is ALIENS

[–] Transcendant 4 points 1 year ago

You make some good points, and I respect you greatly for being nuanced in the face of extremely anger-inducing rhetoric (also for raising your head above the virtual parapet!).

[–] Transcendant 5 points 1 year ago (2 children)

I hoped he wouldn't, but at the point where he was massing troops at the border it was surely a sign of what was coming.

"We're not planning on invading, just putting all our troops here for shits and giggles!"

[–] Transcendant 3 points 1 year ago

While I've always been impressed by his apparent care for the planet, I've pointed out quite a few times over the years that his favour of homeopathy demonstrates that he is in fact an idiot.

[–] Transcendant 6 points 1 year ago

Bit of a copout, but all the main characters from Dispatches From Elsewhere (though I guess that's by design).

"I want you to think of yourself... as Peter"

It's not a show for everyone. But I was quite moved by it.

[–] Transcendant 11 points 1 year ago (8 children)

My fear. Polls are kinda meaningless nowadays.

I just fail to understand what sort of person views the last 14 years as anything but a series of disasters?!

[–] Transcendant 10 points 1 year ago (3 children)

Don't worry I got what you were putting down. People can be very reactionary with their downvotes here, if your joke is too subtle it can fly over their heads.

It made me smirk! For my reference, how many zeros is that (I'm shit at maths but want to try and imagine such a long lever protruding into deep space)?

[–] Transcendant 28 points 1 year ago (2 children)

I don't get how she fucked this up so badly. All she had to say was "students are entitled to protest for Palestine, but calls for genocide are not OK"

Kinda sounds like she's OK with calls for genocide.

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