
joined 4 years ago

Found this while going through Funkwhale, some pretty good songs here and also from the artist in general.

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

This video is meant moreso to serve as a pitch to those who are already interested in promoting these values. The focus is really on giving more organization to free culture projects and initiatives.

Really what’s needed more than anything else is drive, but if you have any skills or projects you’d like to share, let us know.

If PeerTube isn't working, the video is also hosted on YouTube:

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Questions have been raised about how exactly we can get a community of people to go from just subscribing to actually helping out. Various proposals have come and gone, and I figured I'd throw in my two cents and also use this thread as an opportunity.

The most common type of proposal I've seen has relied on some sort of paid marketing or financial incentives for contributors. In my view, this is a poor foundation to start with, as it gets people in this mindset that without money they can't do anything, and even if we had money, we'd just be encouraging people to only do things for money. As we've seen with all these other alternative social media sites, throwing money at the problem doesn't create organic communities.

We have to incentivize by creating a sense of community and mutual accountability. Working on this should feel rewarding and fun, as if you're a part of something. In that sense, this initiative isn't just for the purpose of marketing but also a way of prefiguring the vision of the Open Web.

The first step has been taken in that we have a Discord/Matrix server which allows for closer and more real-time communication, but I do think it's time to take another step in ensuring people participate: tasking people.

In this thread, put down your skills and any ideas you have (if any). I (and hopefully other people in this thread) will try to come up with suggestions of what you can do. By tasking people and having them report on their progress here, that'll create a sense of accountability.

If you're convinced you have no skills of use, doesn't matter, post anyways. What we need is engagement and commitment, and one of the biggest obstacles to that so far is people being convinced they're useless.


This place hasn't gotten much activity and it looks like the admin hasn't been active for years. I've started another community at [email protected] (although it probably would've been wiser to just request ownership of this one but too late now.)

If you want to promote your own stuff, I'd recommend doing so there.


One of the biggest strengths of the fediverse (and free software) movements is how it brings people to collaborate and to spur that, we need spaces to organize. I see here and across the fediverse that people want to help out but don't know how.

I've just started a set of Matrix rooms (with a bridged Discord server so that the chat platform doesn't get in the way of people wanting to participate) where people can do the following:

  • strategize on how to best promote the fediverse
  • collaborate on their free-culture/federated projects and find people to help
  • promote their own fediverse content, find fediverse creators to follow, and offer feedback to others'

The video has been uploaded and the server is up. If you have any ideas, any ways you'd like to help, or just want to chat, join!

I really do believe this is gonna be crucial to pulling off our task. Real-time chat is more personal and live so it's easier to collaborate and build a community.

If you're interested, join here:

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Gonna continue to seed the community with some of my posts periodically to keep activity going. If you have content you'd like to share or thoughts on existing content, make sure to post!


Issue #1 in a series of mine where I review Fediverse content to help highlight creators. From a few years back, will probably post these periodically to help get the community rolling.


This is a space intended for you to promote your work (or that of others assuming they themselves are hosting it) hosted on Fediverse platforms.

This is done so people can get a better idea of what's on the Fediverse and get additional engagement for the ecosystem as a whole. Content is one of the things the larger community is lacking in, but this is one of the best ways to help towards that end. All we ask is that you take the time to view and give constructive feedback to the work of others the same way you'd expect them to do for you.

Any non-fediverse, spam, or business/scam stuff will be removed.

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