This is meant for the congressman's own benefit since he heavily leaned on his veteran credentials when he campaigned. But whether it's going to make a difference or not, I applaud the effort from a freshman nonetheless. Making a difference with a thousand cuts is still making a difference.
Remember that you still buy the same stuff you normally do, you just don't get them from Amazon and bezos. Specialty items can be bought directly from the manufacturer. Give them the full value for their products, don't make them give Amazon a share just because you are too lazy to log into a non Amazon site.
It is true. eBay knows that it's buyers who drive their site and will always make thing right with them. eBay isnt perfect by any means, but I'm realizing that perfect is the enemy of the good more and more often.
You can help your friend in better ways, for both of you.
I actually snickered. Thanks for that.
But is it admissable in court?
These aren't commuter cars, or work vehicles, there is no practical reason to own one. They are a status symbol of musks politics. The venn diagram of people who own these and wear maga hats is essentially a single circle. There is a daily growing number of struggling american families who deserve sympathy and almost every one of the folks who paid six figures of disposable income for the opportunity to support musks politics are not victims.
I wouldn't be sad if he fell off the earth at high velocity. Or eaten by a lion.
While average American people suffer, the world's richest man diverts 38 billion dollars of their taxes to himself.
I've seen examples of this in real life. It is WEIRD
I want to see articles about attending revolts!
Hopefully this amplifies the videos exposure. Is it because it is considered explicit that it's not tolerated like other forms of parody?