
joined 1 year ago
[–] Tilgare 2 points 3 hours ago

Yeah, I had that one too actually - the Moto Z. I rather liked the feel of it with nothing on the back at all, but there were swappable magnetic plates you could put on it if you didn't like the feel. I never bought into the Moto mod ecosystem but was definitely into the idea of the battery pack and IIRC, there was a full camera body with a zoom lense you could buy too.

[–] Tilgare 1 points 3 hours ago

Oh that's right - it was right on the cusp of 4g. Thanks for that.

Wow, that's a pretty hamfisted approach, but they did the best with what they had I guess.

[–] Tilgare 11 points 13 hours ago

Ah yeah - I found myself staring at the 2nd half of December a bit puzzled, but you're absolutely on to it.

[–] Tilgare 5 points 13 hours ago* (last edited 3 hours ago) (4 children)

I love that this appears to have the option of installing an extended battery. I had one on my HTC Incredible, and got one for my wife too when she got her HTC Thunderbolt. The Thunderbolt had CRAP battery life because of the drain from the new ~~3g~~ 4g radio, and the Inc was so small... I probably wasn't helping the battery situation with my custom ROMs. But we didn't mind a bit of extra bulk in order to achieve a full day+ of heavy use, and had a spare battery we could bring with us if needed, too.

And then the sleek, gorgeous HTC One m7 came out and after only one generation, sealed in batteries were the norm for every other phone I've ever owned. Now, the battery life wasn't so bad - and so I didn't mind, but all these years later I wish it were at least an option on the market.

[–] Tilgare 2 points 1 day ago

Pretty sure you shouldn't use WordPress - it's an aging platform with serious security vulnerabilities. 😬

[–] Tilgare 2 points 1 day ago (2 children)

It's good to know I have options! Aster is already the singular solution on Windows as far as I can tell, and for good reason I figure... this is a pretty fringe need. But at least I know I can potentially replicate the setup on Linux - I'll for sure look in to that.

[–] Tilgare 0 points 1 day ago (5 children)

I've watched the other Linus (the one with the tech tips) on a month long daily driver challenge for Linux and I just can't bring myself to dive in voluntarily for all the headaches and incompatibilities I know I'll uncover - those presented, and about a thousand others sure to come up for each individual user.

I used to LOVE flashing roms on my devices. Started with my PSP, installing CFW so I could install homebrew. Then it was my phone and I loved the flexibility to do things Android couldn't do or didn't want me to be able to do. It was basically a hobby all unto itself, checking for new feature updates, sometimes taking a nightly build to fix a bug, finding a problem and deep diving for the right root application to fix it, whatever the case. Now I do too much with my phone to have a broken user created 5g radio, or GPS is currently broken in this ROM, or my homescreen glitches out when I switch apps rapidly. I just don't have the patience or time for my phone that I need to be able to trust to work - to not work, and good luck finding the root cause.

Same sort of deal with my PC. I already have a VERY unusual setup to begin with, using Aster v7 to multiseat both my wife and myself on the same computer. It's over specced to the point that we can pretty easily play games simultaneously without issue. Aster SOMETIMES presents usability issues, but nothing like what Linux would do. And while I haven't investigated it, I'd bet that it would be a real struggle to replicate this setup in Linux. But my weird edge case aside, I'm fully capable and yet completely disinterested in converting because I just need it to work, for everything I'm doing, and without a 2 hour rabbit hole on why I can't install this one dependency I need.

I have a couple bootable flash drives laying around and have dualbooted computers in the past. But I just don't think I could fully migrate today.

[–] Tilgare 26 points 1 day ago

The judge agreed to TWO WEEKS in reporting I saw this morning. Now it's two months. SOMEBODY PLEASE hold this motherfucker accountable for his actions. Just once in his whole life.

[–] Tilgare 2 points 1 day ago (2 children)

I'm not sure anybody would make that call at her age. And to be clear, because you're trying to infer that she is older than she is by calling her "over 70", she's 7 days past her 70th birthday; I'm not sure anyone would regard that as over 70, just 70. So at what point in her mid 60s was she supposed to decide "uh oh, I'm going to die soon", exactly?

And there are so many uncertainties when a replacing a SCOTUS justice that come in to play, especially with one side who will do anything to install their totalitarian regime and the otherside is on their high horse getting their legs sliced to bits because they were too righteous to jump off for the battle - why kick that beehive before it's ACTUALLY necessary?

[–] Tilgare 13 points 2 days ago (2 children)

“I know I will respect the limits of the presidential powers I’ve had for three-and-a-half years, but any president – including Donald Trump – will now be free to ignore the law,” Biden said.

Source: CNN

[–] Tilgare 5 points 2 days ago

Ah, this is probably it. In my head I forgot for a sec that it's never ACTUALLY about protecting the kids - this is the next step.

[–] Tilgare 8 points 2 days ago (8 children)

I bought a pro license because of basic features being stripped out of home over time - here's to hoping it's ONLY home licenses that get abused.


Lesson learned was that I should have conceded when I saw Onslaught's, I absolutely knew what was in his deck but I was mostly ignoring his side - just strategizing to get the biggest power totals possible because a lane with "only" 20 or a 30 is often not enough against a MODOK/Hela/Tribunal high rolling 50-70 in all lanes - but his ongoing synergies really elevated the deck. I'm not sure I ever saw a Tribunal though, but with Morb and Strong Guy he very well may not have had him at all. Really cool deck.

Win or lose, great match for a gold final boss - gg.


I snapped on turn 3 when I saw London and had Shuri, Nimrod, and Destroyer in hand. I did get lucky that Destroyer didn't duplicate into Knowhere though, or I would have lost 4 Nimrods. Pretty close call but satisfying end.

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