
joined 10 months ago
[–] Theharpyeagle 2 points 1 day ago

Just wait until you hear about Mosquito Mayhem, the theme park for mosquitoes!

[–] Theharpyeagle 0 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Okay, I watched the whole video and I have to disagree. The first half of the video is about how music is too easy to create, and only part of it is really about how corporations are using their catalogue to train AI, which I agree is scummy. However, the rest is about how the barrier of entry is lower, and he doesn't really articulate why that's a bad thing. Yeah you can make really sterile stuff at a fast rate, but you can also put work in and create something unique even with cheap tools. It kinda feels like saying every artist who uses MSPaint just copies and pastes Clipart, ignoring the few who make visually stunning pixel art. If anything, we've trended a bitaway of the stranglehold of companies in the last decade due to independent creation being much more viable.

He also says that modern music is subject to trends, which I think is a weird distinction to make. Old music is full of trends, because people would try to replicate what was popular on the radio. How many parents tried to make the next Jackson 5? I'm sure some followers of trends put out great stuff, but a lot of it was trash, same as ever.

Likewise, I find the second part overly steeped in "wrong generation kids these days" emotion. If he made more of a point of how streaming services rake artists over the coals, or the value of listening to full albums from artists you want to support, or about how cheap streaming services cannot financially support the large number of artists they carry, then I would agree. But he makes a big point of saving up and buying an album with his allowance which is purely a nostalgic feeling that is still felt by kids today. I also feel that we're just a lot more cautious of integrating artists into our personality just due to the fear of them turning out to be terrible people.

So, enshitification of streaming services? Yes. Enshitification of the entire industry? Not so much. Also nothing is going to make him sound more out of touch than calling phones "thought deletion devices."

[–] Theharpyeagle 10 points 1 day ago

My roommate lost his job and his insurance (which both he and his husband rely on) with it. Coverage under COBRA would cost $700 a month, which he's actually considering paying since they at least hit their deductible. Otherwise the marketplace plans are all about as expensive and/or have an $18k deductible (yes really) before they cover even part of the cost.

Currently trying to get approved for Medicaid, but it's difficult since he has income for this year on paper.

[–] Theharpyeagle 2 points 1 day ago

I've very seriously considered moving in the past few years, but my family and closest friends are here and I don't want to be that far from them.

[–] Theharpyeagle 5 points 1 day ago (1 children)

The more worrying part is when they start harassing family members.

[–] Theharpyeagle 9 points 1 day ago (1 children)

I mean, there are some pretty legitimate concerns about employee welfare with Uber. Do the drivers get paid while waiting for customers?

[–] Theharpyeagle 4 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

Usually these kinds of "can't stop acceleration" are due to mixing up the brake and acceleration or the pedal getting stuck under a nom-OEM floor mat. I was gonna say maybe that's the case here, but it seems pretty apparent that they were at least flooring the brakes, and I don't imagine they switched the floor mats after 4 hours.

Also that $50k fee in the linked article is hilarious.

[–] Theharpyeagle 19 points 3 days ago

This is exactly the feeling I had when I played Assassin's Creed and picked up a flag that said "1/100". That happened multiple times, since there are 400 flags in the game. And what do you get? Absolutely nothing but an achievement.

I hold Mario Odyssey up as a shining example of how to make large optional objectives fun. You don't really get much of a reward for getting all 999 moons, but at least the vast majority of them have fun puzzles to solve so that it's actually rewarding to collect them. Contrast this with, say, Korok seeds.

[–] Theharpyeagle 12 points 4 days ago

Potato salad is fucking amazing and I will die on this hill

[–] Theharpyeagle 10 points 5 days ago (1 children)

Something about the phrasing "you should do a lot of cocaine about it" really tickles me. I wonder what you call breaking grammar rules for humor like that.

[–] Theharpyeagle 2 points 5 days ago

Sync, I'll be sure to let them know. Thanks!

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