Relevance? I don't think that activity was limited to any particular "generation".
No, they don't. They blamed the silent gen for ecological destruction, social inequality, and war. They also, like every generation back to australopithecus blamed their elders and thought the younger generation was spoiled & had shorter attention spans.
Don't foolishly attribute a universal human flaw to a single group of people.
No, it's not anti-boomer. And, Trump isn't anti immigrant. After all his own wife is an immigrant.
Give me a break!
So stop whining and vote! Remember: You will ALWAYS be voting for the lesser of two evils.
Boomers started fighting climate change decades ago. (see Al Gore)
Boomers were hated by their elders for being too liberal and hated by their youngers for being to conservative.
I fear, that you are spouting hot garbage. You've been listening to too mich Russian propaganda.
This will be in the next ~~gofundme~~ political fundraiser email he sends out
That's still an option for this "hostage".
Loved the books (read 'em mutiple times) but didn't care for the movies. Not even the look of them (the film was over exposed with an ugly color palet).