Schwache Generation. In deinem Alter war man früher längst ein erfolgreicher und selbständiger Rassist.
Happens to the best of us. They need to reinvent pants so this doesn't happen as easily.
Funktioniert für beides
If you're broke enough and don't have taste, you can just use the cheapest wine that tastes ok and pair it with anything. Very convenient, highly recommended.
Well, the Voyager app shows a comment score and a post score, I like to have just that. The karma system was flawed because the accounts with the most karma where mostly repost bots. Karma restrictions didn't do anything because of that.
I don't have a dog hoe and I don't know why I would want to communicate that I felt three days ago. As a human I feel constantly and I think any dog hoe would know that, because they have feelings too.
Usually Sennheiser HD 800 at home, Etymotic ER2SE on the go.
Always has been
This is very good OC, I am very proud
I was hoping someone would do that lol
What about second breakfast?