Let’s be honest, we all know the even if you barely saw a scrambled boob, that was more than enough back in the days of early cable tv. 🤣
I know this feeling, my dad spoke Spanish and when ever someone found out they assumed I could. Felt so awkward sitting there and having to say I can’t speak it. 🫣
It’s unfortunate, but even without the boomers we might be speed running into a brick wall.
Legality isn’t even a thought for companies anymore, and the punishment is only a small percentage of what they make for screwing their users. All they care about is profit and saving in server bandwidth by making quality worse.
I never even thought about that explaining his behavior lol... 🤔
Lol That’s true, but then you have to worry about the few that didn’t.
Maybe we can discover if toxoplasmosis can up your rap game. If so, cats in shelters will be swooped up, fast.
Damn, this is why I stopped fixing people’s computers, they act like they’re helping at first and then you wonder if it’s fear you’ll steal something… but then you realize it’s praying you don’t see all their porn. 🙄
Annoyingly, it’s more intentionally. Youtube has people working both sides, it makes it easier when two services they’re fighting start blaming each other instead of focusing on YouTube.
I wonder how they can sleep at night.
They sleep fine on their piles of money from little to no work.
This is my first time seeing this template, and everything about it is hilariously quirky lol.
Humanity, has a long history of not realizing mistakes until long after it’s been done.