
joined 2 years ago
[–] Tetsuo666 16 points 2 years ago (2 children)

Honestly, I respect their decision but at the same time I wonder why they didn't create a standalone unfederated from the get go.

If you want to keep the community small and tightly nit it's just not compatible with the federation system. Now people got invested in some beehaw communities only to end up disconnected from them.

Still, it's not like there is a guide for this. We are all learning how to make the federation work. I hope we can keep it civil toward instances that choose to defederate.

We are all invested in the same thing: Making Lemmy successful.

[–] Tetsuo666 2 points 2 years ago

La bicyclette aussi c'est plus efficient écologiquement qu'un train lent. Les émissions sont très faibles. Remplaçons les trains lents par ça :

Désolé pour le ton un peu incisif mais franchement il faut être un peu raisonnable.

C'est intéressant comme débat mais complètement utopique de penser qu'on pourrait interdir les trains rapides alors qu'interdire les avions long et moyen courrier n'est déjà pas a l'ordre du jour.

Envoyé depuis mon TGV.

[–] Tetsuo666 2 points 2 years ago (1 children)

J'utilise ça sur Android :


Et j'en suis très content. Par miracle il semblerait que nos infos soient pas revendu par cet app. Et pourtant c'est communautaire et ça marche bien.

[–] Tetsuo666 10 points 2 years ago (9 children)

Out of curiosity, you say an overwhelming conventional force. Does that mean the NATO plan explicitly says it should be conventional?

I always imagined that if a country nukes another they would immediately be nuked themselves. Because if a country is using their nuclear arsenal, it's probably a bit late to moves armies around.

[–] Tetsuo666 2 points 2 years ago

Maybe it's a vicious circle: less people watch ads so the rest gets longer ads.

That or it's just greed. Probably a bit of both.

In any case, if I can't use my ad blocker anymore, I'll probably go for YT premium because I don't think there is any real alternatives to YT and I'm kind of addicted to their service. I would do so reluctantly because I think YT does a terrible job at moderation and copyright handling but I can't just drop YT...

I even tried Nebula/CuriosityStream bundle but it's too limited in content so far to be a real alternative.

[–] Tetsuo666 2 points 2 years ago

I guess they wanted that Mei's slow was more relevant. In the previous patch it felt mostly like a slow moving, damage dealing little hero with a wall to split teams. I always appreciate changes that encourage team play. And a less lethal but more "supporting" Mei would be quite fine by me. In some ways I think that's what Blizzard wants to achieve here.

I didn't try the new Mei so I don't know. I think the impact detonation could be a good mechanic I just need to see how easy it is to achieve in practice. As I understand it you will need to right click enemies at close range and that will be probably a bit of a hassle with the delayed shots. It better be worth doing damage wise or it won't work.

I usually recommend people to look at the mechanics and not the numbers. Because this is the first draft for the Mei changes. Number can be changed easily, mechanics, not so much.

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