So Say We All
We invaded Iraq for nothing, but jerk off while this happens
tHe mArKeT wIlL rEgUlAtE tHeM
Most of the time I hear that argument it 's always "if we do that, they'll do it back when they get power, so we shouldn't do that!" People act wildly surprised that fascism is on the rise, but try telling them that the fascist talk shows saturating our airwaves need to be stopped and they'll say you're the real fascist for stifling free speech. NEVER have I heard any of them say "yes, we need more socialist and leftist options in broadcast media." They'll tell you that it's about money, but who is funding fascist radio?...not the listeners.
If you dont allow Nazis to exist the tables can't turn.
You people ALWAYS argue from the standpoint of defending Nazis and pretending they'll be nice when they get control if you're nice to them.
You dont know who you're dealing with.
Hey, here's a Fun Fact: MSNBC is literally a corporate entity trying to grift liberals into defending the wealthy. Now the Nazis they overlooked might cost them money.
Looks like we might have found the Nazi interloper
Except we absolutely should corral and restrict conservatives. They're literally trying to kill us all. There's ZERO "both-sides" here.
I'm all for it.
Thankfully, God hates christians and will hurn every one of those motherfuckers to a charred little wad
Anyone who defends Chaya Raichik should be dumped in the same pit with her. I'm just glad you assholes always out yourselves.
That is some serious cuckery right there. Why in the fuck would you want the world to be owned by people who can never be held responsible for who they destroy? They're not going to love you. Ever.
The only reasonable way to deal with them is tax everything over $500 Million at 100%. NO individual should EVER have this much power.