
joined 1 year ago
[–] TechLich 4 points 4 months ago

That's pretty cool!

Although that's probably what op is actually asking for, I don't think it's a modem. It's a router with an access point.

It does have SFP for a fibre connection and pcie and USB for you to potentially add a modem or whatever else you want.

I'm guessing OP is just looking for a wifi router? Otherwise we'd need to know what kind of modem they're looking for, like Cellular? VDSL? HFC? Satellite? It depends on the internet connection. Different parts of the world need very different kit.

[–] TechLich 5 points 4 months ago

It's a hard K sound and the i and a are "uh" (ə) sounds. Like "Ark uh pel uh go" (at least in my accent).

[–] TechLich 3 points 4 months ago

Yep, 100%. It's probably safe to call it like it is and he doesn't have a great track record with lawsuits at the moment. That said, they might still just not want to take the risk if their research is showing that painting him as a fool who you wouldn't want in the job is more effective with people who might change their minds.

[–] TechLich 3 points 4 months ago

There absolutely isn't a good case and he'd probably lose because he's a rapist, but there's potentially enough wiggle room there that such a lawsuit might not get thrown out immediately which is potentially expensive and could get ads taken down while it proceeds.

I could be wrong, maybe they do run ads based on the rape but they might not think it's worth the risk for the reward if ridicule is more effective in their research.

[–] TechLich 6 points 4 months ago (4 children)

They've almost certainly considered doing that but I suspect it's a legal thing. Saying "Trump is a rapist" can be seen as claiming that "Trump was convicted of rape" which is not true so it gives them space to sue over a knowingly false defamatory statement (whether he'd win or not, it would be expensive and might halt the ads while it was being litigated)

Saying "Trump was found liable in a civil sexual assault case" doesn't have as snappy a ring to it and leaves Republicans saying bullshit like "well if he was really a rapist he'd be in jail/it's just corrupt civil court judges trying to make him look bad."

But saying "look at this silly footage showing that Trump is a numpty. What a silly crazy clown man" is depressingly more effective at making swing voters not want to vote for him. "Trump is evil" works for people who know he's evil but "Trump is a fool" works better for people who are willing to believe that the "evil" stuff might be overblown lies from his opponents' smear campaigns.

[–] TechLich 1 points 4 months ago (1 children)

True! It's not just a Latin thing and Slavic languages have it too. I wonder where it came from originally. Probably one of those Proto Indo European things. Though it's in some Indigenous Australian languages too (though not all) so might be even older?

[–] TechLich 6 points 4 months ago (3 children)

Yep. Most Latin languages have gendered nouns. Italian, Spanish, German etc. All have masculine/feminine objects.

Eg. In Italian a fork is feminine (la forchetta) but a spoon is masculine (il cucchiaio). A table in your living room is a boy (il tavolo) but a table that you're eating lunch on is a girl (la tavola).

It's bizarre.

[–] TechLich 15 points 4 months ago (1 children)

I guess eternal life through some profane kind of undead cyborg magic... Bad maybe?

[–] TechLich 20 points 4 months ago (3 children)

What was the original text‽

[–] TechLich 2 points 5 months ago

Makes sense.

I'm just glad someone is out there poking salamanders in the butt for science :p

[–] TechLich 6 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) (1 children)

It's really not... A domain name is what.. $5-10 per year? Web server software is free (nginx, apache, lighttptd, pick your poison). You could run a website on your phone. It doesn't need much hardware or network requirements unless you start hitting thousands of users.

A static IP helps but dynamic DNS is a thing. If you need more juice or you're located somewhere that NATs IPs, a public web host is like $5-10 a month if you're getting ripped off.

It costs more to get a streaming service subscription.

Hosting a popular webapp with tens or hundreds of thousands of concurrent users interacting with complex backend code and a database (see Lemmy) gets more expensive but it always was and it's now cheaper than ever.

Edit: I should point out that I'm pretty anti-corporate and I'm not defending the current state of social media or search results. I'm just also agreeing with the guy who pointed out that the web is still open and you can host a website on a potato.

[–] TechLich 5 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) (5 children)

I feel like that's not a fair comparison. You can't ride a horse on a freeway but you absolutely can host a website that anyone in the world can access instantly.

Back when the web was "open" and "free" and not dominated by social media, the 99% of people, the millions and billions of users, weren't using it. It's not like your Geocities page in 1999 had a billion visitors (despite what your "one billionth visitor" blink tags proclaimed). Even after it got added to that popular web ring for like-minded netizens.

I feel like people have forgotten what the old web was really like and that most communities only had a handful of active people. You can still do that and in fact there are thousands of such small independent websites and communities in forums and platforms like this. Hell, a bunch of the old forums and IRC channels etc. from back then are still running and some actually have more users than ever just because of more overall internet adoption.

It's a bit sad that Google SEO favours large platforms and garbage medium blogs over smaller personal websites but search was mostly shit back then too (metacrawler ftw).

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