I like it, on day 1. But that is asking for a pretty huge commitment. I hope they knew what they got into. The point of the tattoo basically requires it to be very well maintained. Otherwise, it loses its unique appeal.
Hehe, non-annoying pedantry is tough to pull off, but when you do, it is my favourite form of comedy. Good job.
That doesn't require a mod, though they could also have been using one coincidentally.
I suppose it depends on your definition of normal. But I specifically didn't say it was normal for everyone, I said it was normal social anxiety. Which only affects around 10% of people. Still a pretty large number, that's about the same as being left-handed. And yet you likely know more people that are left handed, because the odds of meeting someone with social anxiety are, of course, much lower even though just as many exist.
They don't hurt as much as you would expect. They are generally as light as possible and spinning with very little torque for energy efficiency. So even at max speed, it hurts less than bonking your head on something solid at walking speed, which is much more common. I am only 6' 4", you don't have to be as tall as you would think to "get to" experience this.
Without checking other comics in the same storyline I would have to guess roommate(I don't know this chatacters living situation), the keyholes in some appartments are on both sides, she is inside her apartment trying to leave, and has been trying for long enough that the roommate is surprised.
There are other reasons to want to. But social anxiety is pretty common, so it's generally a safe assumption.
This is a pretty common mentality we have to deal with. Someone that doesn't have our problem, downplaying how big of a deal it is because they have never had to put much thought into it. It's a physical difference in the structure of our brain. While we can learn ways to cope with it, we can't ever "get over it". We find ways to minimize triggering it, and ways to ride it out with the least amount of stress. And one of the ways that helps is sharing our struggles with the rest of our community for support, and trying not to care about outsiders shitting on us as we do so.
It's just normal social anxiety.
Specifically, the way the arms and legs changed doesn't make sense for just meat shrink. And the diaper is completely different strips of bacon. Not only wrapped differently, but not contaning any of the same pieces of bacon even in different positions.
Did she happen to mention there is, in practice, a difference between casual and formal communication? And that different rules apply to each?