NYC used to be much more dangerous. Really goes to show how mislead we can be by emotions that you feel it's only dangeeous now
Why does that article feel so disjointed? Tgis paragraph was especially random:
“I engaged once with a guy who had a different opinion. He was like, ‘I don’t think so. I don’t think it’s bothersome.’”
No explanation or attribution for the quote. Just sandwiched in there
I'm finding it fascinating that not a single person has agreed with you. Dozens of downvotes, and not a singke upvote for you
At some point, you have to realize when absolutely everyone disagrees with you, it may be you who is wrong
Are there test kits that could differentiate the two? Wouldn't they both just test positive for amphetamines?
Or are you suggesting it to check for other drugs such as fentanyl?
"Beyond any doubt" would mean abolishing it. It is an impossible standard
Any case held to the standard of "beyond any doubt" would be trivially defended. It is theoretically possible we're all in the matrix and the whole case was just faked by our all-powerful machine overlords. Is the doubt reasonable? No. Is it a doubt? Yes
I'm in favor of abolishing the death penalty. We shouldn't do it with roundabout semantics and sham trials though
Just because some people call it a wealth tax does not mean we should perpetuate the micsonception
It's an income tax on high earners, and objectively not a wealth tax no matter how many people call it that
They aren't saying it because they really want to pay more taxes
They're saying a system should be put in place where the wealthy pay their fair share of taxes
It's a subtle but important distinction
Sam was fired because the board stated he withheld information and misinformed them, not because he was a bad CEO
Homes don't generate value though. Nothing more is being created by them existing. How can it possibly be an investment generating more wealth when the underlying asset remains unchanged?
It's just a pyramid scheme to expect the same exact home to continue going up in value as an investment. The only possible result is a shortage of housing with unreasonably high prices
How does a detached single family home prevent honking? Why haven't you explained to my neighbors they have to stop honking? Because they definitely still do, and it is still a nuisance
Detached homes definitely have many benefits, but they're incredibly expensive. If we didn't subsidize them so much, we'd have a whole lot more people living in denser housing. The US has something like 85% single family homes compared to around 40% in Germany
It's not that Germans are just so much better neighbors that they can put up with shared walls/spaces. It's just not worth the cost of a detached home when it isn't as heavily subsidized (they do still subsidize them compared to dense housing options)
TL;DR - Detached homes are fine, but we need to quit giving such massive subsidizes to them
There are network architectures that do not uitlize a VPN. Zero trust, for example, should not use a VPN