joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago
  1. It's not always practical to get power to a site, depending on the utility and whatever upgrades they need.
  2. Solar doesn't generate enough, and doesn't generate at all overnight (when plant would be charged).
  3. Most plant lives on site and transporting it off site to charge is just going to add to costs and likely increase pollution (you need lorries to move them).

It's a good idea, and one that's growing, but it's still niche and it will be a long time before construction sites are fully electric.

[–] [email protected] -3 points 1 week ago

Yeah I was aware of that as I posted it. I work on construction sites. More than anything I was highlighting how vehicles isn't the only problem.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 week ago

A black church filled with white MAGAts.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 week ago

Definitely better than Boba, but I think the fight scenes have been better than Ahsoka, and the plot premise also.

The witches are nothing new in Star Wars lore (I think Darth Maul came from their tribe), and I'm all for getting more of that.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

I thought the SW Acolyte was alright so far. It's a bit slow and drawn out, but not bad.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 week ago

The Netherlands is also a monarchy, and Denmark.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 week ago (1 children)

The more I hear that they won't announce the Switch 2 the more I think they will.

[–] [email protected] -4 points 1 week ago (7 children)

Lol how do you think construction sites generate electricity to charge the batteries?

[–] [email protected] 8 points 1 week ago

If you want lemmy to work well, speak with /u/[email protected], he'll sort you out. Dude is a legend and runs the best instance, IMO, but is always willing to help other instances.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago

Not closely per se, but bits and bobs. Horns was awesome, as was Guns Akimbo, and Swiss Army Man was a good laugh. Good Omens as a show I don't really like overall (they basically abandoned the idea pitched in season 1 and changed things every season) but the scene with him in the Western season dancing to She'll Be Coming Round The Mountain while wearing assless chaps, and the general character in the Mad Max season, both live rent free in my head. Also the Weird Al documentary perfectly presented Al's on again, off again relationship with Madonna.

I would love to see him in a musical, but I don't really go to those. Maybe not the one where he had to get his cock out on stage, but I love that he did that. Still need to see Book of Mormon (Radcliffe had nothing to do with that).

I would lose my shit if he and Elijah Wood did something together.

[–] [email protected] 18 points 1 week ago (5 children)

Absolutely well deserved.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 1 week ago

I'm shocked, shocked I say.

Combat tips (

I think since the 0.18.3 update, the Context links in comments aren't working for me. On the website, it does nothing. On Jerboa, it loads something, but it misses off the top of the comment tree, and doesn't let me click it again to go further up the tree.

The previous version made you click Context multiple times to work your way up the tree, and as you went higher the comment you were looking at might end up further down the tree (branches would be displayed based on your sorting order, rather than the specific context chain). However despite its flaws it was far more functional than this.


Maybe this post would be more at home on a community, or on github, but this place is my home and I feel like I'd like to get opinions here first :o)

Right now, there is no way to make an instance agnostic link for a post or comment, like you can do with users or communities. Each instance assigns its own number to posts and comments, and there isn't really an easy way to find a post or comment on one instance when starting from another.

For example, if I get a link to a post in a community, in order for me to comment from I would first have to go to[email protected], then find the post in there manually. If I want to reply to a specific comment, I would have to find the post on in this way, then also search that thread for the comment. If you're looking for an old post with a lot of comments, this can be quite challenging.

Instead, I think lemmy needs to revise how it numbers comments and posts, using the same system used for users and communities. Rather than every instance using a different number, they should use the federated host's number followed by @hostinstance. The local user would still see the original federated link, but users from other instances would see it in their own instance with a tag for the federated host instance. This way, anyone could easily edit any link to make it work in their own instance (provided that link has already been federated in their own instance).

Here is a specific example I wrote in a comment elsewhere:

For a specific example, to me, this post is In the original, federated instance, the post is Instead, it should appear to me as[email protected].

Your comment, to me, is The federated link is This is the link you see, and should continue to see, but I should see[email protected].

Using the instance in the numbering scheme means each federated host instance manages its own numbering while ensuring there will never be a clash between instances.[email protected] and would refer to two completely different comments. This information is already being transmitted in the process of federation, so it’s just a matter of tagging the data when it’s received.

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I frequently find this, for some reason comments aren't federating properly. When they reply to my comment thread I am unable to reply to them, and when I log into directly and post there my comment doesn't show up on ~~for some time~~ at all.

Edit: A good fix is to apply a language to your comment, eg English. This should allow your comment to post. However it seems like there is still some issue with comments federating across after that - your comment might appear on kbin, but you might not get their replies again.

test (
submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]



I tried to set up shreddit to clear out an alt, I've created the app and it exists on my account but it's completely blocked.

My guess is they aren't allowing any new 3rd party app tokens to be approved.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I've had a few errors loading pages in new tabs. Unfortunately I've been hitting refresh before screenshotting most, however this is one of them.

The link that failed to load: Although, it loaded immediately with one refresh.

I've also had a few Cloudfire 503 error pages across various tabs. Again, these loaded immediately with a single refresh.

There was one other issue I noticed, I tried replying to a user on a thread, and the reply wouldn't post. The comment I was replying to was less than 10 min old. The circle would just keep spinning, but also I noted that it didn't give me the "leave this page?" popup when I tried to refresh. I tried many times over, then gave up and just replied with my own account. Edit: The thread I can't comment on:

Edit2: Another thread I can't comment on:


In particular, I'm disappointed that they went ahead with removing captcha. I get that they need to rewrite it, but surely they could have kept it in until the replacement was made?

Will be using a modified version to include some temporary captcha and prevent spammers and bots signing up en masse?

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