FISICO! I love him. Unfortunately when he joined F1, there weren't many top opportunities for him. There was one race where Murray Walker said that Fisi was almost certainly going to be a future world champion.
St least we still have BTDig
Lewis Hamilton to E7
Personally, I'd go for a proper set of headphones plus a mod mic. Gaming headsets seem to always have at least one thing that they compromise on, and their sound quality is mediocre at best.
Obviously it all depends on your budget and what you game on, since iirc Xbox doesn't support Bluetooth headsets.
Download more RAM on C4
On Windows 11 for some games you have to get the pirate version. For me, my legit copy of NFS MW wouldn't install so I had to use a cracked version. In fact the only issues I've had with Windows 11 full stop are because of Nahemic.
Perez, like Ferrari with Lec and Aston with Lance screwed up the tyres so they didn't get a good lap in.
Hulk! What a result! Unfortunately Haas pace means a podium is likely off the cards but hopefully he can get a good result from this.
Google Ascensance
A Mod on the F1 sub was saying that Reddit Admins are threatening any subs that are closed by saying that any mods who are opposed to re-opening subs will be demoted with them being replaced with mods who are willing to co-operate.
It's annoying that ZB is duos only. I much prefer playing solo and can't build for nothing so playing as a solo in duos is my only option, which is annoying. I do think its something Fortnite needed though as serious players now have something to work towards.
I'm only in Silver atm, though don't anticipate going much higher since I'm naturally bad at FPS games due to my abysmal hand eye co-ordination.