Just don't leave them in the sink and you can do the same with multiple of each, saving you the wash up. Just out them straight into the dishwasher. Saves energy, water and time.
Mmm. I love me some trash soup on my pizza boxes. Brings out the familiar aroma
That will only result in an infection in the long term without medical intervention. Not helpful for the parasite class.
Learning to notice that the automatic thought are negative ones is the first step to learning to interrupt them once it happens and shift the future automatic thoughts to be more positive.
It takes time, but is well worth going for if you find yourself doing this a lot.
My friends always bragged about the cardio workouts they were having in high-school. I didn't do that then so I thought I'd start now.
Shoot an insurance ceo and your votes will go up.
The difference is probably with or without birth control.
Chatgpt answer:
Yes, "reckful" is a real word, although it is rarely used in modern English. It means being thoughtful, careful, or prudent, essentially the opposite of "reckless." It comes from the same root as "reck," which means to care or pay attention to.
Examples of Usage:
In older texts, "reckful" might describe someone who is cautious or considerate of consequences: "He was reckful in his approach, weighing every decision carefully."
Why It's Uncommon:
"Reckless" became the dominant term in English, and "reckful" fell out of common usage. Today, terms like "careful," "prudent," or "mindful" are more likely to be used in its place.
So while "reckful" is technically correct and would make sense in context, it might sound archaic or poetic to most modern English speakers.
I'm on world and want to swap. Do I keep my username and all the communities I follow if I swap?
Teleportation only works in spacial dimensions. You have now teleported to a slice of the 4th dimension that only houses the very edge of your known reality, making everything distorted from your point of view, and everyone will see you as a monster as you no longer resemble a human, but a blob.
People outside of the US know how to learn languages, this is not the downside you think it is.
Well, they /are/ self regulated. Just not the way that anyone but them wants.