
joined 11 months ago
[–] SwearingRobin 7 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)
  • Never just wait in the kitchen. When something is boiling/cooking/idle use that time to clean.

    I'm going to preface this one by saying I have a messy kitchen most of the time. We just take plates there and leave them on the counter. feeding ourselves is hard enough without having to cleanup right after. Then there is some cooking task that requires a but of idle time, I use that time to clean while I wait. This has two advantages: it makes waiting easier (before I did this I regularly undercooked food), and it makes me not leave the kitchen while the stove is on. That is a big no no for me.

  • Modify instant meals

    When feeding myself is hard, I like to modify instant/freezer meals. I always have shelf stable meals ready and a few plans to easily add to them. I find that most of them are a bit lacking in the protein department, so I have some easy ways to add some meat to them (canned sausages, tunna, cheese, peas).

  • Having a smartwatch with a voice assistant is a godsend

    I bought a used galaxy watch 4 and I love it. I set timers and reminders on it all the time, the only time it's not on my wrist is when it's charging. I set timers for the oven, for the washing machine, and in general for something I need to get back to after some time. I set more descriptive reminders to a bunch of things. It finds my phone when I loose it, and it also helped me track my heart rate once I started medication

[–] SwearingRobin 29 points 1 week ago (2 children)

The idea itself is fine, but in practice it wouldn't work. The kind of people you are trying to screen out in the process would just study do give the responses of a passing assessment, probably with the help of heavily paid mental health professionals.

Psicology is hard to test and prove, most of the things you are looking to test would not be visible in bloodwork or brainscans.

[–] SwearingRobin 5 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

I dont have HVAC specific advice for you, but I've lived in a well isolated house in a hot environment (42C max temperatures) and what we did was open basement windows and atic windows, and have a fan point out of the attic window. This created a draft that exhausted the hottest air in the house out, and while upstairs was always hotter than downstairs, it was much more bearable than without.

I imagine a similar setup would help you get the cooler air from downstairs up, and a big advantage is that you can try it with very little cost and commitment.

I don't know how your house is configured, it might not be a solution for you. We have a pretty habitable attic, not those insulation filled dens I see in American houses, so it was pretty easy to try it for us.

Also, we opened and closed the windows every day, we didn't leave it open overnight.

[–] SwearingRobin 2 points 2 weeks ago

I didn't actually mean the fist option, it was meant as a joke. I clarified it in another comment, maybe I should just edit the original one.

[–] SwearingRobin 2 points 2 weeks ago

As far as I understood the problem here is OP's boss, so I don't think that would be a feasible solution in this situation

[–] SwearingRobin 2 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

Just be be clear, I wasn't advising OP to do the first idea. It was more of a joke. It has potential to be traced back and get him into trouble.

[–] SwearingRobin 2 points 2 weeks ago

All my teeth falling off (I wore braces as a teen, I don't know if it made a difference). Also since a cousin died in a car crash I dream about car accidents, always in the driver seat. In the first year after the accident I even woke up trying to press the breaks sometimes.

[–] SwearingRobin 23 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (6 children)

The most chaotic good thing to do would be to use the known security issues to hack into your boss' computer in the most scarry looking but harmless way. That would possibly scare them into upgrading.

With that said, you should create a paper trail on how you warned your boss, and either wash your hands of the issue or kick it up the chain, depending on how much you care.

EDIT: since it seems some people didn't get it, I meant the first option as a joke. My actual advice is the second paragraph

[–] SwearingRobin 1 points 3 weeks ago

Thanks for the reply, it hasn't fully clicked yet, but I'll get there once I think about it some more.

[–] SwearingRobin 6 points 3 weeks ago

It did not, it's just that sarcasm/irony is common on the internet, and tone is hard to convey just from written text. I was not offended at all, but thanks for being a nice person on the internet and apologizing anyways!

[–] SwearingRobin 3 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

Me and my dad are the same, on the left and right problem, never knew anyone else that had that problem, or that it had a name! I thought we were just weirdos :p

[–] SwearingRobin 2 points 3 weeks ago (2 children)

Happy to help! Now what I don't get under this knowledge is double and triple rainbows. If anyone can explain that to me I would be very grateful.

submitted 7 months ago by SwearingRobin to c/adhd

I just realized that last month was ADHD awareness month and I forgot. Ironic isn't it? Share your stories of stuff you remembered way too late!


I don't use TikTok at all, but I do watch compilation videos on YouTube sometimes. Lately there are some clips of livestreams of people doing really repetitive movements and phrases. What's up with that?

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