Yep. It's neglect plain and simple
Sort of, but it's almost guaranteed that this donkey foundered and the reason he was tri poding like that is because that legs coffin bone has gone through the frog, it's basically if you had no skin/muscle over your heel bone, all of a horses weight is on that bone. It's excruciatingly painful when it's exposed. I'm a little annoyed at the owners in this article, because all of this would have been easily prevented by taking care of him and dry lotting him even for 1/2 the day, toss in hay, manage his weight. Even after he foundered they could have dry lotted him, put glue on shoes and have a bare foot farrier get his hoves back in order. They just let this poor guy suffer, probably for months if not years.
The idiot south is has a higher score than cali. This map means jack honestly.
Laminitis is what they get from over eating sugary grass and being overweight...the owners should have had him on a dry lot rotation...dude would have been fine if the owners knew anything. This is like letting a diabetic eat cake and then wondering why their feet are falling off.
My old builds go to the wife and her old PCs upgrade my NAS. By the time I'm done using the hardware it's 10-12 years old. Wife only plays sims anyways. 2080 super is her upgrade to an AM4 3900x and 64gb of ram and 2) 2TB nvme drives. She will get plenty of life from that and then in 5 years, get my current rig. Cycle continues.
You can use silicone sous vide bags. Which are re-useable, so no plastic waste at all.
Unfortunately the wealthy already pay the lions share of taxes. What needs to happen is, we need less waste. So much spending is stolen by private companies via contracts that it's a joke. We're the wealthiest nation on the planet, yet we seem to always be broke.
Air fryer and sous vide has made it easy for me to do quick cooking when I don't have time.
I was under the impression a lot of states use rivers or water ways as state lines. Guessing it was that way as it was easiest before gps.
Learn something new every day