I stepped on a stingray while swimming in the ocean when I was 16. Felt like a thick needle I'm my foot. 10 mins later I could feel the venom crawling up my leg. Like a charlie horse you couldn't work out, throbbing pain creeping up my foot, to my calf, into my thigh.
Got to sit in the lifeguard station, where they have you stick your foot into a bucket of hot water. As hot as you can stand to draw the venom out. Sat in the water for 2hrs before I could walk again.
Only good thing, got taken care of by cute Jr lifeguards.
9/10 wouldn't recommend. Lol
Well it's almost like a whole side of the government said what Trump wanted to do with the USA was wrong and bad. And people didn't listen because they fell for the words of a RICH WHITE GUY, instead of watching his actions for the last 25+ years... Consequence for your actions