I legit thought today was Thursday and finished all of my homework because I thought it was due tomorrow. Then my friend called me and asked if I was doing anything tomorrow because it's Thursday, her day off, and she wanted to go do something with me.
I made the more recent one extra crispy. Just for you.
But do you drink mostly Faygo? lol
No. I make more memes instead.
Sir/Ma'adam/Zir'am. You have zero original content on your account. At least I am putting myself out there and trying.
It’s only me and it is less than 15 so far. It only seems like a lot because others aren’t creating as much content.
It’s more the big chuck little John obsession whenever you bring up shows around here.
The first time I heard some one pronounce the name of the store here I was super confused. Then other people I met from here would say it in a different way. The last is clearly superior. 😂
I'm overtired and someone mentioned on my first one about rarely seeing memes about Ohio that don't involve the river burning, so I was like "bet" and that is how we ended up in this mess.
E: I have like 30 locked and loaded to post, but I'm trying not to spam the community. Sorry
Let me tell you about my straight exhusband and his totally not gay guy friend that he would give and get BJs from. It was 100% platonic.
Third one checking in!