
joined 1 year ago
[–] Suavevillain 5 points 9 hours ago

There is some hope out there. I hope more of this continues, getting rid of bad actor Dems instead of blind support due to (D) would go a long way.

[–] Suavevillain 2 points 1 day ago

I hope this woman suffers evil pos.

[–] Suavevillain 12 points 1 day ago

It is coming for the base of people calling Trump the day one dictator lol. Unserious people.

[–] Suavevillain 6 points 5 days ago

There is no fixing that collective of cowards and abusers.

[–] Suavevillain 12 points 6 days ago

Adobe is such an awful company, it is clear they want to train AI off people's work next.

[–] Suavevillain 14 points 6 days ago (1 children)

Do your thing here IRS.

[–] Suavevillain 4 points 1 week ago

MAGA's base is always linked to that stuff. Pastors, Cops, Youth Pastors and General Republicans.

[–] Suavevillain 12 points 1 week ago (2 children)

There is no point in following the rules when the people in power clearly don't.

[–] Suavevillain 60 points 1 week ago (1 children)

The Florida playbook. Vote for a piece of trash and then complain about the results.

[–] Suavevillain 4 points 2 weeks ago

This is one tactic Trump often uses where he takes credit for things he didn't even support and then receives no real pushback for it.

[–] Suavevillain 15 points 2 weeks ago (7 children)

I need the class of landlords removed from society.

[–] Suavevillain 3 points 2 weeks ago

Microsoft has done nothing to earn any good will or trust. Everything seems to spite the user or just harvesting maximum user data.

submitted 3 weeks ago by Suavevillain to c/unixporn

My current Linux setup. I'm still waiting for Cosmic. I'm hyped. BSPWM is really comfy to use. It is the best starter tiling wm to me. Wallpaper.


On this day in 2006, J Dilla released 'Donuts,' coinciding with the birthdays of both J-Dilla and Nujabes. Remembering and honoring their legacies. Rest in peace to both, and happy birthday.

submitted 5 months ago by Suavevillain to c/unixporn

I love using BSPWM. It is simple but comfy. It is good with multi-monitors and you can add animations with Picom.

Wallpapers I'm using: I couldn't fit them all in the image. Anime 1

Wallpaper 2

Vertical Wallpaper


GTK Theme.

The bar is Polybar.

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