I just really hate this place and the people who post here
Oh boy…..
This didn’t look like unsafe driving to me
Why isn’t the bike the one who caused the accident? He was in the roadway, wasn’t to the side at all. They weren’t riding in single file, they were riding across each other.
Take some responsibility for your own safety too. You know there are cars using the road, you shouldn’t assume that they will see you. Stay safe
It all depends on the circumstances. Driving down the road, and glancing away for a minute and not seeing a bicycle driving on the road until a second before you hit them isn’t really negligent.
That’s why it’s an accident. The driver was within the lines of the roadway, the bicycle wasn’t on the shoulder, and it looks like the driver did not see the bicycle.
That’s called an accident. If you’re negligent for any reason, sure punish the driver. But this doesn’t look at all like that kind of situation here.
I know this crowd is very pro bikes and doesn’t think cars should exist, but you guys are the extreme
Of course it matters. Driving drunk is not the same as driving stone cold sober.
How could you think they are at all comparable?
I think you guys are misunderstanding my stance on this. I don’t like this solution either.
But I do want to make sure people are celebrating this for a reason that makes sense, and not because they don’t care if kids have access to pornography.
Because I do not believe that anyone is able to monitor someone else’s internet access exclusively at all times. Kids go to friends houses, or get friends devices all the time.
Pornography is accessible in places that are not exclusively pornhub.
You would have to block lemmy from your router if you had kids, for example.
Not many parents are even tech savvy enough to know that’s possible, or even what lemmy is.
This is not the right solution, but neither is slapping a label of 18+ on content.
It wouldn’t surprise me to learn that a lot of people commenting on this are just absolutely fine with children being exposed to inappropriate sexual materials online. Because lemmy’s user base skews hard to the left