This is some backward ass bullshit. Keep your religious garbage to yourself. Complain about Christians forcing school prayers then have this dumb shit.
I believe the point is that people need nepotism to afford a house
The original ship is where the pieces are coming from, the new ship are made from those pieces. This is sooooo dumb to be arguing. Just be more specific and no issues.
Id never order a tuna fish sandwich but I'd make them. I'm from pnw USA. When I say tuna sandwich I feel like it would be different than something out of a can. Tuna salad probably makes more sense but ive never had any confusion when saying tuna fish. Doing some googling, "tuna" is also Spanish for "prickly pear". So tuna could be used to describe a cactus fruit. In Cali there is a restaurant called "La tuna canyon". Not cause of the fish.
.... If you have 33% of the original ship left. What makes you think there are 3 original ships. It's like you're trying to confuse yourself. If you took 33% of the original ship to make a new one, you did just that. Being vague isn't profound
They all sign up to get paid to kill people, not in defense but for our greedy elite. Not sure they are that diverse. Id suspect it draws in a lot of morons and psychopaths
I think just using % solves the silly Theseus question entirely. It is 30% original. Bam, no confusion
I've seen an old dude look like a young gal by using makeup
He went down the homeopathic route cause science bad
He says great artist steal then says he wants to destroy android for stealing? Like he did anything but hype shit up on stage
Bill Gates is another billionaire idiot that contributes to climate change. Maybe if people like him were not sucking up all the resources, we wouldn't need his shit foundation.