Why would so many voters be into coal? How many of them actually work in coal mines? If they do, they like it? They want their children in there next?
joined 2 years ago
Boxing, wearing gloves and hitting each other in the face
I liked Capcom's exoprimal, havnt played in a while, wish there was a lot more content, but there is something there for sure. Maybe starfield will be ight
Cause white is a race...
Let's all stop using X? What a stupid ass name
I think we should start calling these bluffs. Can't let countries bully the world forever. Stop helping north Korea, add tawain to nato. Give them the finger.
Jury duty was a pleasant surprise, hope they come out with some new seasons
The guy couldn't just bring it to the staff and ask them what it is?
I pirated it, havnt got a single email lol
I've had my moto x4 for 8 years and it's still kicking strong. If it ever dies, I'm getting another.
Yeah if it was taken out, I'd call them and ask what's up right when I got home. But the dude would rather take a pic for attention