"Leão added only forensics will be able to identify the body, which remained outside the Supreme Court for three hours after the blasts."
Gotta let it simmer down a bit.
"Leão added only forensics will be able to identify the body, which remained outside the Supreme Court for three hours after the blasts."
Gotta let it simmer down a bit.
Seems he blew up pretty well.
Premature detonation?
Colonel Flatulence doesn't have any friends.
This is consistent with the historical record.
What then - THEY steal it?
Nuisance is the legal term.
Say you want fries with that one mo time, mf.
Know what else is crazy in Turkey? The civil engineering.
Bear's gotta fatten up for winter.
But the chips and salsa, too?! Rude.
Something about a red hot poker...
Last time I was gonna by blades at the local store was about 10 years ago. I was sufficiently miffed at the corporatocracy's price skimming and gouging that I hopped on the intertubes and bought about $20 worth of twin- or triple-blade cartridges from India. And there will likely be inventory on hand when I die.