That really went over your head?
I've found the less the better. Having to set a bunch of rosters and worrying about injuries/ handcuffs becomes a task rather than fun.
I was ready for a feel good read, just to pass the time. Then NESTLE popped up, God they suck. So much for trying new kitkats, no skin off my back.
Quantum entanglement and string theory, but only when im super stoned.
RIP Slurms Mackenzie
Ive seen ebay show the prices of similar items that have sold/for sale. But I've never had ebay suggest a price.
Me, me, me haha. If you have the money to live nicely for awhile, spend time finding out what jobs youre really passionate about and go for those. Even if your under qualified it cant hurt to apply. Sometimes they can offer entry jobs to get were you want to be. If you already know what you want to do, spend some time updating/improving your resume and see if you can get a a few companies to fight over you. There's a lot of power being able to walk away from the negotiation table if you're qualified and its just not the right time.
Everyone in the comment section is just talking about how much 10K is to them and completely ignoring OPs question lol smh
Thanks troll.
Saying 'Youre wrong!" is trolling. If you gave some insight of why I would be incorrect, then you might have some merit. So, What type of economic system do YOU think ebay uses? Private individuals control the production, the market is run by supply and demand, individuals (ie companies) decide how much products and services are worth. Thats reeking of capitalism.
How do you get ebay to suggest a price?
bad as in good? ty