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[–] Sprawlie 5 points 11 months ago (5 children)

Economically speaking, billionaires are absolutely a terrible thing. It removes wealth from circulation and is counter productive to societal growth goals. One of the reasons we're constantly "printing money" is so that we can ensure there's enough of it in circulation and used by the masses after the wealthy extract their portion and remove it from general circulation.

Economies work best when money isn't hoarded or stashed away, but circulating fluidly throughout the economy. Billionaires are counter-thesis to this.

[–] Sprawlie 4 points 11 months ago (1 children)

People are downvoting you because it's a blanket statement and generalization. But in reality, there's a nugget of truth to what you are saying.

In 2023, inheritance of billions overtook entrepreneurship for new billionaire growth.

https://www.cnn.com/2023/11/30/business/ubs-billionaires-report/index.html https://www.forbes.com/sites/maryroeloffs/2023/11/30/new-billionaires-inherited-more-than-they-earned-last-year-ubs-report-says/?sh=12613b9a3d68 https://www.vox.com/2024/1/22/24043104/billionaire-get-rich-people-parents-generational-wealth-transfer-trust-fund

What we are seeing is that a lot of the billionaire boomers are dying off, and their children are inheriting the wealth and choosing NOT to participate in labour, but to just sit on, and use that wealth to generate more wealth. Mostly by hiring others to manage that wealth.

the next decade is going to be interesting when we see the largest wealth transfer in recent history from retiring/dying boomers to their children. what those children end up doing with all that wealth will be the interesting dynamic we have yet to truly see.

[–] Sprawlie 3 points 11 months ago

So you don't actually have a clue what you're talking about and just want to throw fallacious comments and arguments?

What are ytou? 12? did you flunk highschool? I'd love to explain and teach you while you're wrong, but I don't have the patience to start at a kindergarten level.

[–] Sprawlie 3 points 11 months ago (2 children)

I get that working at McDonalds, you are highly disconencted from the management/executive leaderships. But this type of claim is sheer ignorance and shows a complete lack of any business knowledge or skillset.

you can argue that the average CEO is overpaid or that they're propped up with too much power. But they are definitely doing work and it is a real job.

[–] Sprawlie 8 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) (4 children)

no. Gravity is consistently pulling at 9.85m/s regardless of the size or density in an object.

Terminal velocity is reference to the air resistance and buoyancy affect on an object in freefall. This has nothing to do with the mass or size of the object, but it's air resistance.


Gravity is (mostly) consistent across the planet and will always pull the same force regardless of the object in question.

[–] Sprawlie 2 points 11 months ago (1 children)

probably just a flatpack issue. I don't bother using flatpack at all and still have not ran into anything that truly needs it (From a gaming use at least)

[–] Sprawlie 9 points 11 months ago

Once I got the steam deck and saw basically all my games could run in linux, I made the change fully on my laptops and desktop computers.

There's not a single windows left in my house.

I'm a former IT Manager and system admin. And I am so fucking frustrated and pissed at Microsoft's bullshit that I want nothing to do with them, and nothing of theirs in my house.

I cannot believe I'm going to say this: But from and enterprise point of view, I Miss Balmer. Nadella is a fucking useless wannabe Steve Jobs tool who has zero concept of what made Microsoft what it is. There's horror stories of dealing with Microsoft on a corporate level that attributed to me having a mental breakdown.

[–] Sprawlie 1 points 11 months ago

A whole lot of semi and newly blind people who believe it was a conspiracy are not going to admit to their ignorance. They will in fact probably say that the blindness was not normal eclipse behaviour and that it was all a Librul conspiracy to blind conservatives.

[–] Sprawlie 37 points 11 months ago

"Bad memory". tpsh. That memory exceeded it's mandate by 41 years. That memory is tired. it needed rest. It's ready to collect it's retirement pension.

[–] Sprawlie 3 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Fun Fact:

They discovered Neptune by math. They studied the orbit of Uranus and noticed anomalies in the mavity, so they postulated there must be another planet. Using math, calculated it's path, aimed their telescopes, and voila, Neptune.

I am terrible at math, so I can't explain how it works. But it's all about physics. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Classical_mechanics is probably a good start.

[–] Sprawlie 4 points 11 months ago

I still miss it so much. I'd take bottom or top, just to have that hole back. I have some amazing headphones, but they're like 20+ years old and now gathering dust.

I brought my favourite set of noise cancelling headphones with me after switching phones before I realized I had no devices to plug it into anymore.

[–] Sprawlie 2 points 11 months ago

Here in Canada, it's generally the same. Our Economy has almost always been strongest under Liberal led governments.

The Conservative's have always ran on "conservative fiscally" as a term, but often never have real plans than tax cuts and austerity for public services.

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