You're being pedantic. The original point is referring to how indoctrinating the pledge of allegiance can be. If you're being made to do something since you're a very young kid and risk being scolded when you don't do it: you're essentially being forced.
You do realize fixing the water supply doesn't address the health issues caused from lead exposure automatically, Right? The water supply may be better comparatively. But the issues that it causes in Flint, Michigan are far from resolved.
Legally, schools and teachers can't force a student to perform the pledge of allegiance. But it's also taught so early in school that most students don't even question it as something to do.
Anectdotally: I was regularly performing the pledge of allegiance (literally said every morning of school) since kindergarten in the US. Also anecdotally: I've literally seen a teacher scold student(s) for not performing the pledge of allegiance. The latter case may not be as common; but the former definitely is common in the US.
There is no beef, legally speaking at least. Khalil is a legal US resident with a green card who was illegally arrested for taking part in pro-palestinian protests on Columbia campus when he was a student in 2024.
He was illegally arrested and now illegally detained as a result of the Trump administration's push against immigration. It is also retaliatory action against pro-palestinian protestors at large. Or even just the campuses where the protests happened. This also occurred after Columbia University had federal funding cut because of theses protests.
This move was also a retaliatory action by the Trump administration: despite Columbia University acting harshly against protestors in 2024 when they took place.
But what advantage do women without a vagina have versus one that does? What if they didn't go through cis puberty? How do we knows trans woman have an innate advantage instead of being effectively handicapped by their hormone treatment? This is my entire point. People want to ban Trans women specifically because of a reactionary feeling of "its not fair" while having zero evidence. There are like 2 cases where a trans athlete outperformed their cis peers. Yet the way some people (not you specifically) act you'd think trans women are sweeping every sports competition.
In my opinion, it comes down more to being exclusionary towards trans woman. More-so then it ever was about "protecting women's sports". I don't think that everyone that wants to bar trans women thinks this way. But people like Charlie Kirk 100% do and will abuse that at every turn. This is the same man that calls June "Groomer month".
All trans women/trans athletes should be banned from sports competition because 2 happened to out-perform their cis peers? What a pathetically reactionary argument. This comment right here perfectly exemplifies the transphobic mindset.
Here's an idea: why don't you post actual peer-reviewed studies and evidence of trans athletes outperforming their peers on average due to being trans? Oh wait, you can't. Because there's literally zero empirical evidence of that being the case.
And the fact that you pivoted so quickly away from Phelps for some reactionary anecdote says it all.
I've never seen people care this much about Micheal Phelps biological atheletic advantage. That alone tells me that this argument is disingenuous and a way to be transphobic in a public way.
There are actual verified cases of olympic tier athletes winning because of their biological make-up. And yet the only time biological advantage is brought up is to shill tranphobic talking points. You don't even have to be trans to be accused of being trans. These same people claiming to be advocates of women's sport are the same people who will falsely accuse biological women of being biological men
I don't argue with idiots
Whenever I see bald Elon I'm reminded that he's wearing a shit-carpet across his head.