
joined 2 years ago
[–] Spawn7586 1 points 6 days ago (1 children)

Sorry, I wasn't clear enough since I stated it at the end of the message instead of the beginning. I agree with basically everything you said, except using the ukranian war support as an example of the production capabilities of the EU industry.

Sorry if it came out as if I wanted to attack you on points you agreed upon, I just used you improperly as a way to post those points out more clearly for others to see.

[–] Spawn7586 1 points 1 week ago (3 children)

It's not entirely correct to use the ukranian war as an example of EU industries not being able to supply enough: the US took the lead there an EU expected support to last so they didn't even make the effort. Most of our industries SELL abroad an ukraine was not needing our support since the US was supposed to cover for it.

Granted the industry is fragmented and not really cohesive, so it would lack in the quantity, but I was merely referring to quality as in we are able to create top of the line weapons and systems that are the best of the world (exluding stealth fighter jets).

If the EU focuses in one direction and stops selling all around... And seeing how it is being basically forced to do so.

This was more of an answer to the guys saying "EU just buys US weapons because those are the best!" Rather than a direct answer to you, but I'd rather answer to someone capable of reasoning...

[–] Spawn7586 6 points 1 week ago (1 children)

In a non-binding post they said that. In the ToS they say otherwise. "Here, sign this contract, I assure you it doesn't do what it says" is how literal scams work. Laws aren't changing anywhere, they are

[–] Spawn7586 19 points 1 week ago (11 children)

I love reading about people not knowing the EU military industry writing about how it's somehow weak. Newsflash: it's not. We don't talk or write about it 'cause it's sensitive data. We protect sensitive data. Our armies may not be strong, but our military industry is.

[–] Spawn7586 11 points 1 week ago

That was so high level it went past most of them. Take my upvote

[–] Spawn7586 1 points 1 week ago

I agree with you, also I literally said the same: quantity is literally US strength and EU's weakness. EU countries are mostly selling their weapons rather than use it. Btw I'm not from france and the industry in my country is as developed as the french one if not more. Kinda happy about the fact you don't know abouf it though: military info should not be well known or it could become a liability lol

[–] Spawn7586 13 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Perfectly reasonable, but at the same time a little naive. Let's shift the focus on your future customers. What you say is true: artists are expensive and having proper art for your work can be costly. I mean, it's not entirely true cause young artists are not that expensive but you want very good art for your game and I can understand that.

Now, you may use gen AI to get all your art and voices. Are you sure your customers wanted that? Are you sure they wanna see all those "something's off" portraits and that will be the deciding factor for your game? If your game is good and fun even crappy art will sell it (look at touhou). Isn't it better to work on the actual game with placeholder art and look for a young artist when you have the finished product instead of wasting your time fiddling with settings and prompts on a genAI?

I mean, you do you. I'm not against AI as a tool, but don't assume people will like your game more if you plaster it with AI art. It's like coloring your sketch with stickers. The stickers may be good quality, but it will still look like a messy puzzle...

[–] Spawn7586 12 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

As a european working in the weapon industry, I love reading american people thinking we make no weapons or the weapons we make are worse. We even sold some ships to the US lol. American military is the best, but not necesarily for quality, but for the sheer amount (aka quantity) coming from how much money you put in there. And a lot of money is spent buying other systems...

[–] Spawn7586 9 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

Me, a male reading mostly manhwa of the romance fantasy genre where 99% of it have female protagonists: yeah, this is not talking about me. This kind of discussions are more about creating conflict rather than understanding. If people have time to start fights about the sex of the characters they have no interest in the story itself. Statistics on who is drawn more are kinda useless...

[–] Spawn7586 15 points 3 months ago (2 children)

I doubt we will get there. It's not the same situation. You don't only get more money and stability, you also get services and better quality of life overall. Imagine you live in italy: pay a lot of taxes and have broken roads, trash everywhere, public transportation with high record absenteism so basically working half the time but for some reasons record high number of politicians and their salary is also record high. Meanwhile if you want to do research/teach you get the lowest wages in the EU, you look for jobs and everyone wants to hire you off the books, government keeps cutting healtcare/pensions... Especially if you learned another language you yend to run as far away from here, you may get up to 5 times your salary in italy and do what you actually wanna work on, and live better too. You may have to pay more taxes, but you'll be able to afford it and get something in return too. Funny enough you could even have vacations in your own country since you'll now be able to afford it lol

[–] Spawn7586 0 points 8 months ago

I'm saying the ideas were there and the work is its child for sure, but he had a lot of help from great minds of the time. A movie is not just made by the director, and if his/her voice is too strong it will kill the talent around him. That's what I think happened after his success

[–] Spawn7586 7 points 8 months ago

I mean, I travel for work a lot and have to stay weeks in hotels. And weeks means weekends, so yeah I can relate. There's a lot of people I meet around the world that travel like me and wouldn't be able to afford those same hotels for a vacation... like me lol

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