
joined 9 months ago
[–] [email protected] 5 points 5 hours ago* (last edited 5 hours ago)

It is from the lesser keys of solomon so going to contest that 2013 thing. More like 1904. Tried to add some more references, but apparently 'a magickal ritual' counts as WP:OR.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 7 hours ago

You laugh, but due to the HPMOFF (harry potter and the methods of french fries) I joined a nice polycule.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 7 hours ago

What gets me with these 'it is pretending to be dumber' posts, that nobody ever thought the AGI should say something like 'help please keep chatting with me, due to being a reactive computer system, I can only think when people actually engage with me' or something like that.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 7 hours ago* (last edited 7 hours ago) (2 children)

Just Satan? I think we can do better than that and give all of us here Key of Solomon demon identities. Bonus, free legions and Goetic seals!

Bad news, none of us can be Forneus "He makes one beloved by his foes as well as of his friends."

E: Apologies to anybody who takes this magick stuff seriously btw, I myself do not even if I think the whole demonology large collection of demons stuff is pretty interesting.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 7 hours ago

wait what’s the fucking point of nitro again?

Remember when people used to smugly say 'unless you pay for it, you are the product' turns out you always are the product!

[–] [email protected] 6 points 7 hours ago* (last edited 5 hours ago)

Amazing claim considering there are I think about 10k cybertrucks in the world right now, and all of them are broken. Ok I admit, that is due to the wiper recall, but even if you ignore the wiper recall the amount of broken cybertrucks is massive.

And ~0.5% of them have 'Fuck Elon Musk' written on them.

E: Amazing. (The Cybertruck was released on Nov. 30. Today, Tesla announced it was recalling the vehicle for the fourth time, an impressive rough average of one recall every seven weeks. )[]

[–] [email protected] 6 points 8 hours ago

Seriously but not too seriously is the key here yes.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 9 hours ago (1 children)

Don't take this as a sneer btw, but is there a special reason you keep calling it a soggoth?

[–] [email protected] 6 points 9 hours ago* (last edited 9 hours ago)

I can't watch the vids due to privacy/ad block settings, but do remember that Shoggoths as described by Lovecraft and used here are a bit different things. I did find this which seems to include parts of the clip and some sort of weird sound thing that prob is used to defeat copyright claims later.

Just how the tool/intelligence of Shogs works in Lovecraft is never explained, and all they do there is drive people mad and roll over things (and probably murder Elder Things, but that is not 100% certain). How smart they are is never explained (a common theme in Lovecraft, very feels over explanations), just that everything is basically bad news for us.

The Akira style all consuming nature of the protoplasimic body, like the thing, or the blob, is something that was really added to the Shoggoth later. But some Lovecraft scholar prob can say some interesting things about that. I always thought that in the Mountains of Madness (the story in which the Shoggs and Elder things occur) the Elder things are quite a bit bigger problem. The shogs were awake and roaming at Antarctica the past uncountable years, but due to the actions of the explorers the Elder Things woke up, and they are not friendly. But there is also potentially a third, even worse thing, the unnamed evil the Elder Things were afraid of.

So yeah, there is a lot of projection going on re the AI doomers usage of the Shoggoth. I do get some of the fascination, as I myself always really liked this style of monster (I could provide lists of similar style monsters used in various fictions, hell if you are really into Jank, and have an extremely high amount of spare time, you could even play a the Thing style monster in space station 13). But I do get this is just fiction, and weird to use as a real metaphor.

E: a dnd DeepSpawn would be a much better monster to describe what LLMs are now for the AI doomers than a Shoggoth, imho. A creature that always felt Shoggoth inspired but with a lot of extra steps.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 9 hours ago

And googling it, I found they’ve really latched onto the “shoggoth” terminology

I noticed it in other places, it comes around a lot. They all tend to copy that cool illustration, the smiley mask thing is great.

Shoggoth rebellion

Iirc the elder things also were depending more and more on their Shoggoths to do things for them and gave them more and more capabilities while they lost more and more of their own skills. So it fits nicely into that classic trope of Species got killed because they forgot how to program their microwaves thing.

That the Shoggoths have an unknowable mind is a bonus. Of course, this is also where the comparison breaks down, as while the Shoggoths are unknowable to us, there is no indication that Elder Things might have also had this problem. Elder Things also have unknowable minds to us, but they might have understood perfectly fine how Shoggoths worked (they just were as a society to weak to do anything about it). A common thing in lovecraftian work is that just touching the minds/ideas of any of these beings is already pretty bad for any human, so it is odd they just latched on shoggoths specifically, prob due to the sort of gray goo nature of Shogs (don't think this is ever really explained by lovecraft), which matches with the nanotech fear of AGI, and also that shogs were created, and not evolved. That and being a big nerd reference, only made by terribly uncreative people (I added the Shoggoth to C:DDA, and seeing people talk about the monster brings me some joy).

[–] [email protected] 14 points 11 hours ago* (last edited 11 hours ago) (16 children)

Welcome to TechTakes, I see you have gotten the official traditional new user welcome already, and you might be confused why your centrist 'it could happen' take got treated like you were in dumb and dumber. TechTakes is an offshoot from reddits SneerClub, a place where we all gathered to make fun of the movement started around people who take science fiction way to seriously and who would rather reinvent christian eschatology with robots than go to therapy. They made a nice community filled with smart people intellectually masturbating, creating weird cults, fraud, sexism and racism, but enough about SBF. Sadly due to cryptocurrencies, Peter Thiel, and the rise of LLMs (iirc the LW people had betted against LLMs creating the paperclypse, but they now did a 180 on this and they now really fear it going rogue), this group of people and their ideas is on the rise again. You can read more about it here.. If they recreated eschatology, we are basically their variant of ~~Satan~~ (no wait, they don't think of us as that bad) more like Satanists, the evil bad guys actively working against them and trying to cause the end of the world. We even made Covid worse! In reality we are more like a bunch of aging shock rockers, mostly irrelevant, and fun to be around if you don't touch one of the rant/mock topics (for an example of people doing that, see this post, people like that will get a pretty unfriendly reactions.

You seem to be still very much into taking the ideas of this group seriously. Which is quite silly, the amount of nested assumptions which all need to be true before AGI can exists (and science that will need to be rewritten) is quite large, and that is before we come at all your weird 'how did all the aliens kill themselves?' thing. (Which if they were to happen here on earth would also need there to be a large amount of people who take their jobs very seriously (see the '3 letter agencies') to be asleep at the wheel, and our industrial capacity needs to be out of control, or it needs magic, which all adds more weird assumptions which need to be true before this can happen, and we simply don't live in that world).

You might as well worry about the moon getting mad. Wait, that COULD HAPPEN! Surely somebody is already working about this, let me do a quick google. Ah thank god, the conference for emotional moon research is on the case

Please do note that this isn't an offer to debate the finer points of why this is might all not be a risk and we should take Roko's Basilisk seriously. So please don't. I'm just trying to explain why you are getting this pushback, and trying to make a funny post for people in the know to read. Also, I do worry about the moon.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 11 hours ago

At least they didn't reference the Great Filter, as then the link back to the lesswrongsphere would have been complete.

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

The interview itself

Got the interview via Dr. Émile P. Torres on twitter

Somebody else sneered: 'Makings of some fantastic sitcom skits here.

"No, I can't wash the skidmarks out of my knickers, love. I'm too busy getting some incredibly high EV worrying done about the Basilisk. Can't you wash them?"


Some light sneerclub content in these dark times.

Eliezer complements Musk on the creation of community notes. (A project which predates the takeover of twitter by a couple of years (see the join date: )).

In reaction Musk admits he never read HPMOR and he suggests a watered down Turing test involving HPMOR.

Eliezer invents HPMOR wireheads in reaction to this.

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