
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 9 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Leave my mans alone, he's obviously Argentinean

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 year ago

Eliminate self, become the internet.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago

It's the 28th and I can't afford rent! I work a 40 hour a week job! I'm thinking of selling my plasma! Woohoo!

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

That's why we fight. Height reduction surgery will be free (and compulsory) under socialism, after all.

I'm jk. I have a friend who's almost 6'10". At that height, it feels like the world was made for short people alone.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago (3 children)

It's ok. You're a height traitor in my book.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 year ago (1 children)

It was almost clever using "control" so many times in your statement, but it made your commend kind of hard to read. I have no idea what you're saying.

How is it that there is no question of, in your assessment of authoritarianism, how the controllers wound up in control? What class they represent? The median net wealth of every congressperson? How many of the controlled get fucking murdered by the controllers daily?

Scientific socialism is winning. Whatever you're supporting is half-baked at best, especially if you're still using words like authoritarian seriously.

That, or...

[–] [email protected] 23 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

The title reads like a very polite own.

Otherwise, depends on your circumstances. Do your nationally syndicated news media propagate right-wing or left-wing ideology writ large? Do your nation's school systems instill senses of nationalism and xenophobia into its youth? Does your country's leadership more fervently and regularly repress one side or the other?

It is easier to be a fascist in a fascist state. It is easier to be a liberal in a liberal one, and a socialist in a socialist one. Half the battle has already been won at that point. There is comfort to belief in the system one lives under, a comfort that has the potential to breed ignorance or intellectual laziness.

My own experience shows that most people are more -- I hate to use the word, naturally inclined towards sympathizing with a left-wing perspective when the correct words are used.

[–] [email protected] 18 points 1 year ago (8 children)

Explain "real socialism" to me, please.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

5'7" gang gang

strangers genuinely think I'm 16 - 19 years old. Due to a combo of factors, but... haha. These early-onset crows' feet and receding hairline tell a different story.

[–] [email protected] 12 points 1 year ago

Why does there "need to be" war at all?

Instead of the Russian government, I believe this question should have been pondered harder by the Ukrainian state starting in 2014. They've been given about a hundred different outs in the past 8 years alone.

One party to this conflict has been murdering civilians en masse after repeated generous peace offers. It is not Russia.

[–] [email protected] 25 points 1 year ago (13 children)






POL POT: 5'9"





I rest my case.


On S4 E16, time 17:48, but I had to pause the episode to talk about this. Beware spoilers throughout.

Are you KIDDING ME? Part of a small lingering complaint I've had in my head is that they have been somewhat understandably shy about using many opaquely radical terms: communism, socialism, revolution, etc. But now we're going ham into pro-union storytelling with no shame and no relent.

How can this show keep getting exponentially based-er? They can't keep getting away with it!


Yeah. I have a job, a car and a planet fitness membership - mentioning as I believe they have showers. I have a place lined up in 2 months but for reasons I won't get into (unless you're really interested) I have to leave my current residence soon. I am not sure when.

I'm gonna get to spend my birthday homeless. 🎂 🥳


Freely gift me your focus,

all usurers and thieves.

We've all some paltry grievance

with how you waste the air you breathe.

There exist spider-silken threads -

inseverably interwoven,

sewn against rock.


bonded by an unflinching,

merciless spirit of Liberty -

freezing, hungry palisades erected.

Our enviable blood engenders

the mortar, weaponized,

as we violently manifest

a more verdant future that

would never bear this lifeless grey.

Rubble deconstructed of unceasing Sins,

we dance in the form of dolomite bones,

jubilant vibrations echo, deafening -

brace yourself and suffocate

against the terrible weight of

a million bloodless stones.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
  • The floorboard in the passenger seat
  • is flooding with the paperwork
  • from all the jobs
  • I failed to keep.
  • Vacant packs of cigarettes
  • strewn, destroyed and unclean.

  • Hairbrush, toothbrush
  • skin of my teeth,
  • hateful uniform underneath.

  • this ain't my car
  • this ain't my home

  • The floorboard in the passenger seat
  • is flooding with receipts,
  • Zero in the bank,
  • drained the E.B.T. -
  • dead vapes and dirty clothes,
  • I'll never be clean again.

  • An unloaded gun rests in the hand
  • of the couch crasher,
  • of the dream smasher,
  • Can't even sell it -
  • can't even, I can't even

I was not aware that scifi could be this good.

Only on S1 E17 ("only" as if I didn't start watching this like 3 days ago) and I'm told it only gets better. It has not disappointed me yet even with its wildest shit.

how I feel abt some of the characters

Sisko is the chad Old Guard Stalinist who makes questionable decisions at times and is a hardass boss but his intent and his impact are always in service to the people, all people.

Kira is my forever unrequited love (as she is fictional). Kira is absolutely amazing, the revolutionary who actually seized power and is now dealing with the ugly consequences of having said power. She's the forever-revolutionary and at least so far a goddamn aspirational one and a Bajoran global hero.

Julian needs to keep his libido in check. Thirsty as fuck and has some xenorientalism to work through. Incredible doctor and is devoted the cause when it makes necessary demands.

O'Brien is an absolute Stakhanovite and I love him for it. Wish I was raised by him instead of my dad.

Odo is so badass. So far he only has a fleeting understanding of his species, but at least from the perspective of some, Odo is a living relic. People tell ancient myths about changelings! He is perhaps the last of his kind (idk, s1 e17) and I think he stands as a wonderful representative of his people. The People's Constable through and through.

I hope Quark has a mindbreak and becomes a communist or he's murdered on-screen. I understand the series goes into more detail about the reasons why the Ferengi are like that... but to be completely honest, in the Star Trek universe at least, I would almost definitely be quite racist against Ferengi. Sisko didn't want Jake to hang out with Nog and I sympathized. I like that he came to his senses later that xenoracism is uncool, but Nog so far has only gotten worse and worse in his profit-before-people shit. Hope it changes.

Dax is interesting. I like the Trill lore. I'm not sure if the Curzon Dax stuff has more context in earlier iterations or not, but it hasn't hampered my enjoyment of Dax's character. Old man.

Blows my mind that this came out in 1993. It feels like communist art. Diplomacy first, always. Profiteering is disgusting and condemnable and humans should have no desire to do it, to the extent that it would be literally alien to us to fuck over others just for economic gain. The Bajoran politics are fascinating and, like I said, I love Kira and stan whatever carbombings she had to do to win independence.

Also, the Cardassians are fucking horrifying and look like animated and decaying Greco/Roman statues. I get major Rome and Amerika vibes from them, though the Ferengi are also quite Amerikan.

Can't believe I've put off Star Trek for this long. Also can't believe there was ever a freakin' debate between whether Star Trek or Star Wars is better, I'm feeling a radical difference in tone. In DS9 at least, there's rarely been le good guys and le bad guys the way there is in Star Wars especially post-Disney. I feel Star Wars also plays up the heroic fantasy to the 14th level, which is ok, but not necessarily interesting aside from visually, at least to me.

Anyway, I love this show and would like to see what people wanna say about it.

Nationwide protests shot off on the 18th and 19th. Did you see any coverage?

The revolution will not be televised. RATWM is a fascist maneuvering and nothing more, attempting to recoup some of the brewing anti-war sentiment back into supporting capitalism and by extension imperialism. Libertarians, pedo "communists", and outright fascists? We don't fucking need them and I find it frustrating when people seem to think we do.

RATWM was televised because it was backed by money. Dirty, bloody money coming from the likes of the Paul political dynasty. Their pathetic little gathering was not the revolutionary moment some people seemed to imply it was. It was a farce. The people will rise up and they won't need ghoulish demagogues to pay them to.


The Islamic Republic of Iran’s 20 year Vision Plan, as a multi-disciplinary document, has set out provisions on the ways and means on enhancing social justice, legitimate freedoms, protection of humans’ dignity and rights, social and judicial security, health, welfare, food security, social security, equal opportunities, appropriate distribution of income, acceptable sound environment and strengthening the institution of family, with no poverty, corruption and discrimination.

Any thoughts? I found it informative and totally contrary to the western-imposed ideas I had in my head of Iran's narrative surrounding women. Tasnim News, it should be mentioned, is fiercely loyal to the Iranian government according to their about page.


Went down a rabbit hole after listening to The Wonder Years' Stained Glass Ceilings, a song about racial injustice and police violence, which had a feature from Jason Aalon Butler that was fire as fuck. I had heard of letlive. but have never given them a chance. Saw that JAB is doing a solo rapcore project now, and it fucking slaps.

Go listen to FEVER 333.

“This all sits on the fucking footing and pillars of a very racist and capitalist system,” Jason says. “And they’re intertwined. It’s not like we have capitalism over here and white supremacy over here and tilted policy over here. They’re all the same thing. And I don’t think a successful bridge that we can cross has been built yet, because we’ve created this enemy that we’re not willing to fight. But the one thing that kept giving me inspiration to continue trying for this fight was knowing that maybe, just maybe, there’s other parents out there having the same conversation. I teach my children about consumerism, about overconsumption, about – in a very, very, very low level – Marxism. And at the end of the day, when I’m teaching them, I realise how simple it can be. Everybody deserves to be housed, everybody deserves to be cared for, and everybody deserves an opportunity to fit somewhere.”

“All love to them [the members of Roadrunner, former musical project], for real,” he states, “but when it came down to what I was saying and how I was saying it, there was dissonance. And what I realised as I started to dive further into my leftist learnings, is that we’re dealing with corporations that only give a fuck about the bottom dollar. I’m not saying that about the people on our team, I’m saying that the fucking Money God they answer to is a corporation, and these motherfuckers are always going to be on top. They ain’t never going to let you be on top of that dollar – even if you made all that money, even if your labour is what brought that. You’re propping up that system no matter what. They’re literally making money off of your fucking protest.”

I hunger (

May I eat meaning eat I may

possess the will to possess a will deep within my gut well

devour before devoured


This is a weird one, but hear me out. All of the videos on this channel are about real-life occurrences, mostly man-made disasters including the structural collapse of buildings, ships, trains, and the devastating effects of industry.

Most pertinently, every video focuses heavily on the victims, who are usually workers. Most videos end with a detailed account of policy changes that happened (or didn't happen) in order to prevent future disasters from occurring. He also makes it damn clear that it's usually the capitalists' fault, who shunt their responsibilities to keep their workers safe.

It's less horror and more discussion of anti-worker policies, where legal protections for workers' safety come from, architectural science, and preserving the memory of historical accidents and catastrophes. Well worth a sub imo.


Granted they're not very happy songs or concepts. But that kind of representation matters too I think.

The lead singer of Foxing used this short film as a means of coming out to his fans as bi. It's also just a beautiful piece of art, and an incredible song imo. Foxing - Night Channels

I love the band Movements, even if they're a little emotionally indulgent at times. They're the type of band to release a song about visiting an elderly man with alzheimers in a nursing home, though, and for that I adore them. This is a powerful video with a bittersweet ending. Movements - Full Circle

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