Even current gen Androids don't have that much battery, especially on foldable phones. Take Samsung for example, their newly launched Z Flip 5 has 3700 mAh battery. On Android if someone wants something unique then they have to sacrifice the battery.
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The 'Thunderbolt' symbol is Intel's proprietary technology. Apple and Intel made it. First apple registered Thunderbolt as a trademark but later they transferred it to Intel. The lightning bolt icon which supports fast charging phones or other devices when connected to the laptop is different and developed by the USB guys.
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What about in app ads? Especially the full screen ads on mobile apps.
On full screen ad everything is clickable except the close button.
You forgot to mention, looted hundreds of countries.
So, you haven't used the "Dark Reader" extension on Firefox. It has "automatic", "scheduled", "system default" options. Also you can disable or enable dark mode for specific websites.
They definitely did some marketing, because it came out of nowhere. When I first installed it, it was all over the internet, from YouTube to webpages. A similar thing you can notice with the Arc Browser. I couldn't find any exceptional features on the Arc Browser but the hype is encouraging people to try it.
Not about innovation but how these Chinese companies blindly copy iOS to look similar. Insted of making their own desing they are copying apple and this thing can be seen on almost every Chinese Android skins not just these two.