The heart is on the left usually, but we apply compressions on the sternum, because it is strong enough to stand up to the compressions. Nothing to do with which side the heart is on. Should still work for a heart that is on the left or the right. Ribs commonly get broken during CPR, you are warned about that in training, and that is why you do NOT do compressions directly over the heart. Source: have been both red cross and green cross certified in CPR.
One creature that is all head.
Only the USA Snapdragons are locked down like this, I believe.
Nobody knows how or why a great many existing psychological medications work, so that should be just fine, then.
To sell new bird guide editions, obviously.
Good tactic to make everyone need to buy new editions of bird guide books.
This sounds like it should be the premise of a Doctor Who episode.
If you do not teach proprietary software un schools, you will hobble your students' job hunting potential. We should ALSO teach open source alternatives, and teach the idea that there are functional alternatives, but a student who has never used the major apps isn't getting their resume even looked at by a human.
I've never bothered to check, because I self host to serve 1-5 users, and I've never generated enough traffic for any ISP to notice. I would need to pay them more for a static IP address, but we have dynamic DNS services for that. My ISP doesn't put any actual obstacles in place beyond dynamic IP.
I find that the entire category of auto-immune diseases are a thing most people fail to really "get". Especially if it is even moderately uncommon.
How do birds fly inside a solid barrier?
Genesis 1:20, KJV:
“And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven.”
The issue is that this 20 year old car is not going to last forever or have replacement parts available forever. We need better privacy laws, because time and entropy will eventually force us all into this evil mess.