Thanks for setting it up!
After printing and taping together several patterns before cutting out, I basically stopped buying digital sewing patterns. Life is too short. I went back to printed commercial patterns. I have found the use of projectors for this really intriguing, but my sewing closet doesn't really have an easy/good place I can mount a projector to use. I can understand the appeal, though! I think that if I have to haul it out of storage every time, I'll just never use it.
If you'd like to experiment with no commitment, look for a Pilot Varsity or Pilot V Pen. They are sealed disposable fountain pens.
There is some minimal upkeep. It depends strongly on what types of ink you use. If you use a very dependable brand like Parker/Lamy/Pilot, and only use that brand of ink, then the most you need to do is flush out old ink with water sometimes. This is not always required, but can avoid an odd stage where you've just switched to a new color of ink, and your handwriting slowly fades from the old color to the new color (some of us enjoy this, and some do not). The other time you might need to rinse is if you don't use the pen for a long time, and the old ink dries out in the pen. The crusty dry old ink can clog your pen.
You should rinse out a brand new pen before first use, to avoid any traces of oils from manufacture messing with your ink as well.
However, a lot of the fun is the vast array of colors in the ink spectrum. If you are filling a pen from bottles of ink, always read reviews of that brand and specific ink color. You can usually find out if an ink is prone to issues or best in a certain type of pen or nib before you buy.
Bunnicula is one of the best silly books ever written.
I also loved Anathem (the only Stephenson book I've read), and I've been considering The Diamond Age. Guess I should go ahead and read it! I started the Baroque Cycle, but just had trouble staying engaged with the first book, and haven't quite been sure which of his other books to try.
Love this one! So good. So many creative paths possible, so many fun in-jokes for gamers.
Forgotten City. Wasn't sure I'd like it, but got really sucked in. Very dialogue/decision/story based. There is minimal action. Then, after getting 2 of the 4 endings, I'm stuck on the "Cannon" ending (Ending 4), because there is a line missing from the dialogue tree in the final conversation. I can find instances of this mentioned out there on the web, but nobody has a consistent solution. So now I've gone from being ready to gift this game to a friend who loves story-rich, puzzle-solving games to simply feeling annoyed.
No, sorry, in the web browser.
I find that I'm actually getting better search results using just the community have without the rest of the URL.
Yeah, I've been thinking all day that's it is like Usenet 2.0 in a way. Back when Usenet actually had enthusiast conversation happening on it.