Looks like a pipe to me ๐
I generally find that people prefer artists they can sing along to and have it somewhat sound simila
I was able to convince it otherwise and then beat it at chess in 1 move. I don't think we have to worry about AI taking over any time soon...
Jokes on you, I'm colourblind
Thinking about a photon's perspective is nonsensical. You are asking for a frame of reference where the photon is at rest but the very definition of a frame of reference in relativity is one where photon's are travelling at the speed of light. Therefore there cannot be a frame of refernece where a photon is at rest and so a photon can never have a perspective, and neither can anything travelling at the speed of light.
Here's your prescription of copium, have a nice day.
And a final panel!
Can't figure out this maze
No it isn't, I rarely see fahrenheit in the UK
Tried to blow up UK parliament with the king inside centuries ago because the king was the wrong kind of Christian. Got caught and hung. In the UK we celebrate the capture every 5th November with a bonfire and fireworks, some places even burn an effigy of guy on the bonfire but that is becoming less common.
*arr has changed my life