This is the only sad bit now: >Bunker manned turret gun can no longer be detached using tractor beam and attached to your ship
Don't forget there are new paints for alien ships/vehicles in the main store: I saw some new ones for the Nox and the Talon
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I mostly play solo or sometimes with friends but rarely, I'll help out an Org if something big comes up. I just don't have much time to join them lately.
Yeah I had a train do some Tokyo Drift and hit me while I was waiting on the Area 18 spaceport platform, which caused my character to fall through the ground and die.
Yeah, how will the ships be loaded? And more info on the ship Tractor beams would be nice too.
Ah, Alien Week starts this Thursday? Good to know. Can't wait to see the latest on the Hull-C too.
So as they work on ToW, they are bringing some of it's features into regular Arena Commander? Even though ToW itself may take a year to release.