Gotta make sure your fiber intake is decent so you get good quality shit like this
joined 2 years ago
I think the cat pic was corrupted on upload :c
I'd say try uploading it again
What I'm seeing:
Such a cute, comfy looking dead bug
We call it the same! We'd say "oh no we found a dead cockroach in the house" and then have people come worried and confused to an upside down cat
Damn it got the teefies
You're still beautiful on Thunder for android
Kinda looks like a new born ape of some variety
Ah, I tried scrolling by new and didn't see it! My bad!
I'm surprised that someone posted "Pawn shop" by Sublime before posting "Garden Grove" by Sublime, given the name of this community
See there's your problem /s
I think that's the default reply gboard gives when you have all personalization turned off
You say that, but "sharing the land with the Palestinian people" and "making sure they're all dead so you don't have to share it" are two entirely different things.
Which of those is the nation of Israel currently working towards?