Energy is a base commodity, no different than aluminum, plywood, orange juice, oil or eggs. All of which increase as the population, thus demand and production, increase. And aluminum is used in a lot of structural applications where other materials would be far superior, but aluminum is a hell of a lot more affordable. It's not that it's the best material, it's the best material at that price, due to cheap efficient production.
Ok, try aluminum. Used to be super rare, rarely used. Now you can't throw a cat without hitting some. Production efficiency went through the roof, price dropped like a rock, and suddenly there's aluminum things everywhere. Efficiency created far greater demand due to the drop in cost. Energy is even more useful than aluminum, it literally makes aluminum. And yet, we're using less, as we get more efficient at making it.
Human eggs are about the largest single cell humans produce, about 0.1mm in diameter.
But human eggs don't provide nutrients to the fetus, they grow the placenta to do that. So over all the entire process would have to change to something probably impossible. Consider the ostrich lays the largest egg now, and ostriches are larger than humans. Humans that would need a far larger egg.
The math just doesn't work for humans to have a hard shell egg.
They're counting on never being accountable again.
Google " total energy consumption" and pick your source. There's literally hundreds. It's an overall trend in most Western countries. Coal usage has dropped globally, renewable is up everywhere, which is all great and hopefully continues. Overall though, power consumption has stopped increasing 15 to 20 years ago.
Efficiency lowers demand, which lowers prices, which should create opportunity for expansion and higher demand. Except prices have been rising, profits have been rising, and real energy investment has been flat. And you can see it across the entire western economy, not just the US. It's great that we've been moving to clean energy, the problem is that we're doing less over all as a civilization.
Think of it this way, fusion power is about to be an actual thing, making cheap clean energy on tap for the planet. And we're just going to sit and watch it glow, because no one can figure out what to do with limitless energy.
Efficiency is great, but should make energy cheaper, leading to more usage. Again especially with a growing population. Dropping energy usage means costs increased despite efficiency, or they decreased and there was no productive capacity to put that energy to use. Either way it's bad for the country.
Very rarely. Most of the people like this feel repulsed by the suffering of others, not moved to empathy. That's the broken part of them that makes them right wing in the first place.
It's definitely a fun game. The chapter system gives it a good depth of game with a count down. Makes for an interesting game with an ending in a reasonable amount of time. We didn't try the campaign, hopefully next time.
Shh, he's listening to tomorrow's squirrels
People be down voting like I'm calling for rolling coal in their front yards.