Here's hoping
If you're trying to argue that they aren't racist, I'd like you to look at the Confederate flag in the first photo
Ok, so it's just like a cool new feature for it
Flexing those direct links to the files
Honestly this game made me so mad that I can't feel really strong emotions. Like you form a bond with Arthur throughout the game, you get to know and like him, and then you watch him die. I've talked with friends who said they cried when the game ended, I got nothing out of it. I was sad to see Arthur go, but I couldn't really express it. Still amazing game though holy cow.
Check the info tab for this sublemmy (I guess that's what you'd call it) it has a ton of information and stuff to read and watch, that's actually where I found this!
I actually quite like it, maybe it's just because it's like reading my thoughts and actions written out on a page and given names though.
Being apart of a group feels great, going from feeling like none understands what I'm going through, to finding out not only is there a name for everything I do, but there's people with similar experiences??? They're like me??? I'm not alone???
I've definitely started doubting and questing things that I think and feel. I recently quit a job I had been working at for about 4 years, not because of autism just moving on. And on the last day I kept thinking "this is the last time I get to do X". Then I realized that I don't care, like at all about it being my last time, this whole time I've been doing this because I see other people do it. It's so weird to go through this process and realize that almost my entire life has been a facade, it's a good weird, it's an answer to why I've felt this way, but weird nonetheless.
Just ran into this posy on lemmys version of r/all. What is the D4K, and how is a triple channel an improvement?
Well that fits, it is called red dead redemption because you have to redeem yourself
Welcome! It sounds like you feel pretty similar to how I've come to realize my autism. Major signs that none notices, thinking you just really care about texture, stuff like that. This community has been super friendly so keep coming back here. Two last notes, check out the info page for this sublemmy, it has things to watch and read about autism, and lastly dont worry about getting diagnosed, self diagnosis is exactly, if not more ballad than a medical one. Get a diagnosis if you can but if not dont worry about it. If you need anything there are always people online on this sublemmy, also on the mastadon chat but to as lesser extent