Now THAT is podracing! Seriously, dope AF
The US should have been attacking Yemen since the start of the war in Iraq. We attacked the wrong country, it was well know at that time that yemen was radicalizing insurgents in mosques, but we couldn't bomb them because obv. They are mosques. Instead we just froze aid to them and starved them.
That caramel looking one at the bottom looks amazing. I want that
Well firstly schumer is going to take a nice loooong summer vacation. Then probably nothing..
No before she goes to the Republican side because schumer made a bad decision. Wouldn't that be hilarious?
They were barely affected last time, this will hit their livelyhood hard and the tarrifs are gonna screw them
Good. Atleast someone is going to learn a hard lesson here.
Thank you! I just flew in and boy are my arms tired!
The next step is to get Putin to a table and poison or radiate him and end it that way.
I used to play this game on apple II gs. Fuck this game tho fr. It's frustrating