
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Je moet je huurcontract erop naslaan, maar in de meeste huurcontracten voor woonruimte die worden aangeboden door private verhuurders staat een indexatiebeding.

Ik heb nu ook een particuliere huur, en ook meegeholpen met het doorspitten van andere contracten (geen juridische achtergrond, gewoon lezen en opzoeken), maar een indexatiebeding heb ik nog nooit gezien.

Wat er wel vaak staat is dat de huurder jaarlijks de huurprijs mag verhogen met een maximum door de overheid gesteld percentage.

Het lijkt me niet dat zo'n clausule retroactief toepasbaar is, dus dan heeft de verhuurder pech en gaat de reguliere wetgeving voor huurverhoging in (maximaal x% tov de huidige huurprijs per jaar).

Maar idd, OP moet het contract doorspitten, daar hoort iets in te staan over indexatie of verhoging. Een "zoek het zelf uit maar we indexeren" clausule zonder datum die spontaan retroactief kan worden opgevoerd lijkt me niet helemaal juridisch recht.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Ik zie al posts verschijnen, dus het lijkt te werken. Gefeliciteerd, je hebt het hek van de dam gehaald!

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

While a video instance shares some load with others, it still has to host all of it itself.

I think services like gifycat / imgur will pop up eventually to flatten out the data storage problem. Storing copies everywhere doesn't seem too sustainable (both economically and ecologically). I guess time will tell.

What funding do communities need? Unless we're talking about paid moderators, I think the instance pays all the bills.

I don't know, it's a long term goal. Moderators have been volunteers for forever with reddit and that worked out, but having some fund to give awards or compensations seems to be a good thank you. That's all not part of a first release.

My first version will likely be a "how much you want to donate" and a system that considers that input a full payment, giving the user an "invoice" in the end just to show where their theoretical donation would've gone.

From there we'll let the public debate decide if this is usable, sustainable and reasonable.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago (2 children)


Good questions! I don't see this as a replacement for donating to your instance directly, and those systems do work as they should (minimal fees, maximum impact).

The problem

The problem I'm trying to solve is that authoring servers/networks may not get funding if everyone is supporting their "home instance", but consuming from other instances.

For example, is very popular, and has a bunch of donors (myself included), but other instances host (expensive) content too, which might not attract as many donors (NSFW servers might fall in that category).

It might be that I'm completely wrong and data is duplicated all over the place, that should keep the bandwidth usage to instance users and server-to-server talk, which makes the cost-base more local.

That would still not benefit communities, which is where I want to be able to possibly head towards too, that you can fund communities you interact with directly, whether local or federated.

The gaming risk

This is definitely a risk I've considered and will always need to be guarded against. Some counter-measures I have in mind are:

  • Users funds will be split based on their own interactions, not because other users are big users of a big instance.
    • This should stop gaming a bit, since "spam users" won't affect how other users' funds are split
  • Users will recieve a detailed message per donation about how their funds will be split
  • Users can select how to split their money (by subscriptions or by interaction)
  • The company that should operate this will be registered under Dutch law as a non-profit foundation (either "ANBI" or "SBBI"), which means it cannot be for-profit and all books and records will be open to the public.

In the end, for me, it just tickles the "I'm doing my part"-bone to fund servers by usage, which is why splitting it up would then work.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

Gewoon een standaard sociopaat dus, net als Elon Musk, Mark Zucc of andere grote CEOs


Hey all,

Welcome to the LemmyFund community. This community is made to discuss how we could shape a good, privacy-friendly method to fund your favourite instances and communities.

The code will be available on GitHub, but the main discussion will be held in this community.

Please have a look at the docs repository to get an idea of the main hurdles I'm trying to tackle. Any help is more than welcome!

Thanks all,
