
joined 2 years ago
[–] SickPanda -3 points 1 year ago (11 children)

Scholz mit Hitler gleich zu setzen ist keine Kritik sondern relativierung des Nationalsozialismus und Volksverhetzung.

[–] SickPanda -5 points 1 year ago (3 children)

Meine Großeltern sind bzw. waren KZ überlebende und jetzt wird es mir als Fehler zugeschrieben das ich relativierungen des Nationalsozialismus nicht lustig finde. Kann man sich nicht ausdenken den scheiß hier

[–] SickPanda -4 points 1 year ago (27 children)

Nein eine illegale Einwanderung oder ein abgelehnter Asylantrag und genau die meint Scholz auch. Diese Leute dürfen nach deutschem Recht nicht hier bleiben.

[–] SickPanda 4 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Weil die Leute die er meint nach deutschem Recht sowieso nicht hier bleiben dürfen.

Edit: er meint illegal eingewanderte und Menschen deren Asylantrag abgelehnt wurde

[–] SickPanda 1 points 1 year ago

It seems like we indeed had a misunderstanding. Well we don't agree on the deporting stuff, but since we still seem to have common ground I'd suggest we call it a day. Have a good one mate

[–] SickPanda -2 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Germany already has alot of social Programms and good law enforcement, the immigrants still misbehave. deporting immigrants which refuse to integrate themselves here and become criminal isn't Nazi leaning. Nazis would kill them, steal their valuables and use their bodies to make products. (the nazis made soap out of the bones of the people in the concentration camps and lamp shades out of their skin) Moderate right wingers just don't want them here, which I approve. calling someone a "Nazi" because they are done with immigrants behaving bad isn't helping at all. They are right to criticize the behavior.

Some days ago our chancellor said that we need to deport people who are not allowed to stay here by law and people literaly put his face on Hitlers portrait for that.


That's not the original image from the magazine, I've seen this here on lemmy made by a user.

That guilitine thing is far left bullshit btw. The rich need to be forced by law to pay their fair share, not by violence.

[–] SickPanda -3 points 1 year ago (4 children)

alot of moderate right wing people are concerned about the behavior of immigrants. They tend to create parallel societies and refuse to integrate themselves. they also commit an increasing number of crimes. The German criminal statistics for example shows that immigrants commit more crimes than natives. Talking about this almost immediately grants you the "Nazi" status even though it's a fact and has nothing to do with the ideology of the Nazis.

the democrats and the Republicans are both corrupt and stupid. Trump and Biden are fossils which belong in a retirement home.

[–] SickPanda 0 points 1 year ago (2 children)

this thinking literally is the reason why murica has only two political parties.

The muricans keep voting for shit and shit lite® instead of abandoning both.

Weighing two bad things against each other is bullshit.

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